
This variable describes whether a person has reported having both arthritis and asthma.
All persons
Code | Category |
1 | Has arthritis and asthma |
2 | Does not have arthritis and asthma |
& | Not stated |
V | Overseas visitor |
Number of categories: 4
See Understanding supplementary codes for more information.
This variable is derived from responses to the long-term health conditions question and aims to capture people who have specific combinations of health conditions (known as comorbidity).
Where a respondent selects ‘Arthritis’ and ‘Asthma’ they are coded to '1 Has arthritis and asthma’. The respondent could also have other long-term health conditions, but those conditions are not recorded in this variable. All other combinations of responses, including ‘No long-term health condition’ are coded to '2 Does not have arthritis and asthma’.
If a person has more than one specified combination of long-term health conditions, they will be captured in more than one comorbidity health variable.
This is a new variable for 2021.
Long-term health conditions data from Census is not intended to provide prevalence estimates. Prevalence estimates of long-term health conditions should be sourced from the National Health Survey (NHS) or National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS).
If a person has more than one specified combination, they will be captured in more than one comorbidity health variable.
This variable does not have a non-response rate as it is created during Census processing by using responses from more than one question on the Census form. For the item non-response rate for the health question, see CLTHP.