03 Sexual assault and related offences
Division 03 - Sexual assault and related offences
Acts, or intent of acts, of a sexual nature against another person, which are non-consensual or where consent is proscribed.
This division is further disaggregated into subdivisions on the basis of whether or not the sexual act involved physical contact with the person.
Offences in this division are classified into the following subdivisions:
031 Sexual assault
032 Non-assaultive sexual offences
Deception to procure sex
Assault with the intent to commit a sexual act
Regulated activities governing public order sexual standards (e.g. prostitution, censorship) as these offences do not involve an unwilling victim and therefore do not amount to an assault. These are coded to the relevant groups within Subdivision 132, Regulated public order offences.
Sexual acts that do not require a specific victim (e.g. indecent exposure, lewdness). These are coded to Group 1325, Offences against public order sexual standards.
Sexual acts not committed against a person (e.g. bestiality, necrophilia). These are coded to Group 1325, Offences against public order sexual standards.
Abduction, taking, detention or enticement for sexual purposes (where known). These are coded to the relevant groups within Division 05, Abduction, harassment and other offences against the person.