
02 Acts intended to cause injury

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Australian and New Zealand Standard Offence Classification (ANZSOC)
Reference period

Division 02 - Acts Intended to cause injury

Acts, excluding attempted murder and those resulting in death (Division 01), which are intended to cause non-fatal injury or harm to another person and where there is no sexual or acquisitive element.

This division is further disaggregated into subdivisions on the basis of whether or not an act constitutes a direct assault upon a person or persons.

Offences in this division are classified into the following subdivisions:

021 Assault

029 Other acts intended to cause injury


Offences that involve reckless behaviour that amounts to intentionality or malice.

Inflict injury where there is no intent to kill the other person.


Sexual assault and related offences are excluded from this division as they are sufficiently distinct to form a separate division, Division 03, Sexual assault and related offences.

Dangerous or negligent acts causing or potentially causing harm are excluded from this division on the basis that there is not an intention to cause harm. These acts are sufficiently distinct to form a separate division, Division 04, Dangerous or negligent acts endangering persons. Should it not be possible to determine whether there was intent or not, the default is to code to Division 04.

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