Aggregate earnings guide
Guide to labour statistics
Learn about our total earnings and labour income measures and how to use them
Aggregate (total) earnings and labour income measures provide an economy wide view of the cost of labour. They measure total costs paid by employers and incomes received by people in return for working.
The Earnings guide includes information about other earnings measures.
Compensation of employees
- Measures total wages and salaries and employers' social contributions (such as superannuation) paid by employers to employees.
- Australian National Accounts, National Income, Expenditure and Product provides state/territory, public/private sector and industry estimates every quarter.
- Australian National Accounts: State Account provides estimates for each state/territory by industry each year.
- Labour Account, Australia provides quarterly industry estimates and annual industry sub-division estimates.
Total labour income
- Measures the income received by people for working.
- Total labour income includes compensation of employees (above) and labour income from self-employment.
- Labour Account, Australia provides quarterly industry estimates and annual industry sub-division estimates.
Other measures
- Business Indicators, Australia provides quarterly estimates of employee wages and salaries for the private sector by industry.
- Monthly Employee Earnings Indicator provides experimental estimates of total employee earnings, sourced from Single Touch Payroll (STP) data.
- Public sector employment and earnings provides annual estimates of cash wages and salaries for the public sector by level of government, state/territory, and industry.
- Personal Income in Australia (and Jobs in Australia) provides total personal income estimates for more than 2,200 geographic areas.
- Labour Costs, Australia provides estimates of main labour costs paid by employers, such as employee earnings and payroll tax.