Data services and APIs

Latest release
Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3
Reference period
July 2021 - June 2026

ASGS geospatial data services, or web services, and APIs allow access to the most up to date Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) digital boundaries and data without needing to store them. Data services are available for all ASGS boundaries as they are published. Some common uses for data services are mobile apps, custom geospatial web applications and infrastructure, online mapping applications (for example ArcGIS Online) and desktop mapping applications.

Choosing a data service

For guidance on choosing the correct boundary for your purposes, see the Using the ASGS section of this publication.

ASGS geospatial web service boundaries are available in three different forms – full, generalised and point layers.

  • Full ASGS layers are identical to the boundaries available for download in Shapefile and GeoPackage formats.
  • Generalised layers have been generalised to 0.000025° or 2.5m. These layers are most suitable for use in mapping applications where precision is not paramount. For example, if the map will be zoomed out to the whole of Australia, the decreased precision of a generalised layer may help your application to run faster without compromising the required level of map detail.
  • Point layers provide points for each record in a geography, along with all the associated attributes. Please note that some multi-part boundaries (for example Other Territories) may be represented by multiple points.

ASGS Web Linked Dataset services are available for use in Web Linked Data applications, including the Location Index which provides a simple, fast, robust and repeatable method for linking data using location. More information about the Location Index is available at Location Index (

How to use ASGS geospatial web services

The ASGS geospatial web services are provided as ArcGIS RESTful services and can be used in a variety of mapping software packages. Please refer to your software provider's instructions on how to import a web service. 

To open ASGS geospatial web services in Google Earth, select the relevant boundary from ASGS web service links and scroll to the bottom of the page. Select 'Generate KML' then create a document name when prompted. Choose 'Vector layers as vectors and raster layers as images' and then click 'Generate KML'. This will download a temporary file that can be opened using Google Earth. This type of file cannot be used offline. Desktop GIS applications can be used to create offline KML files.

The ASGS geospatial web services and ASGS Web Linked Dataset services can also be accessed via APIs for use by developers.

ASGS geospatial web service links

Edition 3 (2021)
Structure nameASGS geographyReference DateURL 
Main Structure and Greater Capital City Statistical AreasAustralia (AUS)2021
 State and Territory (S/T)2021
 Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSAs)2021
 Statistical Areas Level 4 (SA4s)2021
 Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3s)2021
 Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s)2021
 Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s)2021
 Mesh Blocks (MBs)2021
Indigenous StructureIndigenous Regions (IREGs)2021
 Indigenous Areas (IAREs)2021
 Indigenous Locations (ILOCs)2021
Significant Urban Areas, Urban Centres and Localities, Section of State and Section of State RangeSignificant Urban Areas (SUAs)2021
 Urban Centres and Localities (UCLs)2021
 Section of State (SOS)2021
 Section of State Range (SOSR)2021
Remoteness StructureRemoteness Areas (RAs)2021
Non ABS StructuresLocal Government Areas (LGAs)2024
 Local Government Areas (LGAs)2023
 Local Government Areas (LGAs)2022
 Local Government Areas (LGAs)2021
 State Electoral Divisions (SEDs)2024
 State Electoral Divisions (SEDs)2022
 State Electoral Divisions (SEDs)2021
 Commonwealth Electoral Divisions (CEDs)2024
 Commonwealth Electoral Divisions (CEDs)2021
 Postal Areas (POAs)2021
 Tourism Regions (TRs)2021
 Australian Drainage Divisions (ADDs)2021
 Suburbs and Localities (SALs)2021
 Destination Zones (DZNs)2021
Edition 2 (2016)
Structure nameASGS geographyReference DateURL
Main Structure and Greater Capital City Statistical AreasAustralia (AUS)2016
 State and Territory (STE)2016
 Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSAs)2016
 Statistical Areas Level 4 (SA4s)2016
 Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3s)2016
 Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s)2016
 Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s)2016
 Mesh Blocks (MBs)2016
Indigenous StructureIndigenous Regions (IREGs)2016
 Indigenous Areas (IAREs)2016
 Indigenous Locations (ILOCs)2016
Significant Urban Areas, Urban Centres and Localities and Section of StateSignificant Urban Areas (SUAs)2016
 Urban Centres and Localities (UCLs)2016
 Section of State (SOS)2016
 Section of State Range (SOSR)2016
Remoteness StructureRemoteness Areas (RAs)2016
Non ABS StructuresCommonwealth Electoral Divisions (CEDs)2018
 Commonwealth Electoral Divisions (CEDs)2017
 Commonwealth Electoral Divisions (CEDs)2016
 State Electoral Divisions (SEDs)2020
 State Electoral Divisions (SEDs)2019
 State Electoral Divisions (SEDs)2018
 State Electoral Divisions (SEDs)2017
 State Electoral Divisions (SEDs)2016
 Local Government Areas (LGAs)2020
 Local Government Areas (LGAs)2019
 Local Government Areas (LGAs)2018
 Local Government Areas (LGAs)2017
 Local Government Areas (LGAs)2016
 Postal Areas (POAs)2016
 State Suburbs (SSCs)2016
 Australian Drainage Divisions (ADDs)2016
 National Resource Management Regions (NRMRs)2016
 Tourism Regions (TRs)2016
Not applicableDestination Zones (DZNs)2016
Edition 1 (2011)
Structure nameASGS geographyReference dateURL
Main Structure and Greater Capital City Statistical AreasAustralia (AUS)2011
 State and Territory (STE)2011
 Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSAs)2011
 Statistical Areas Level 4 (SA4s)2011
 Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3s)2011
 Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s)2011
 Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s)2011
 Mesh Blocks (MBs)2011
Indigenous StructureIndigenous Regions (IREGs)2011
 Indigenous Areas (IAREs)2011
 Indigenous Locations (ILOCs)2011
Significant Urban Areas, Urban Centres and Localities and Section of StateSignificant Urban Areas (SUAs)2011
 Urban Centres and Localities (UCLs)2011
 Section of State (SOS)2011
 Section of State Range (SOSR)2011
Remoteness StructureRemoteness Areas (RAs)2011
Non ABS StructuresCommonwealth Electoral Divisions (CEDs)2012
 Commonwealth Electoral Divisions (CEDs)2011
 State Electoral Divisions (SEDs)2011
 Local Government Areas (LGAs)2015
 Local Government Areas (LGAs)2014
 Local Government Areas (LGAs)2013
 Local Government Areas (LGAs)2012
 Local Government Areas (LGAs)2011
 Postal Area (POAs)2011
 State Suburb (SSCs)2011
 Australian Drainage Division (ADDs)2011
 Natural Resource Management Regions (NRMRs)2011
 Tourism Regions (TRs)2015
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