Subject: New DataLab project query
Dear DataLab team
I would like to enquire about setting up a new DataLab project.
Project Organisation/s:
Project Title:
Draft Project Proposal (if completed):
Key contacts and template emails for ABS DataLab
To register interest in DataLab safe researcher training, please use the link on the Safe researcher training page.
\(\Large ✉\) New DataLab project query.
\(\Large ✉\) Existing DataLab project query.
\(\Large ✉\) System support query (this includes requesting an MFA or password reset).
To request input or output clearance, please use the relevant links on the Input and output clearance page.
\(\Large ✉\) Request new software or software packages (this includes Python, R and stata packages or other software not currently supported in the DataLab).
\(\Large ✉\) Notification of upcoming publication
For all other queries, please contact us via email at This email account is monitored and we will respond to your query during standard business hours, Monday to Friday.