Environmental protection not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 059)

Latest release
Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period

Environmental protection not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 059) consists of government expenditure on environmental protection not elsewhere classified. This category is further classified into:

  • environmental protection not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0599).

Environmental protection not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 05)


Environmental protection not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0599) consists of:

  • the administration, management, regulation, supervision, operation and support of activities such as formulation, administration, coordination and monitoring of overall policies, plans, programs and budgets for the promotion of environmental protection; preparation and enforcement of legislation and standards for the provision of environmental protection services; production and dissemination of general information, technical documentation and statistics on environmental protection.

Includes: Environmental protection affairs and services that cannot be classified to waste management (COFOG-A 051), waste water management (COFOG-A 052), pollution abatement (COFOG-A 053), protection of biodiversity and landscape (COFOG-A 054) or research and development - environmental protection (COFOG-A 055).

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