Bus transport (COFOG-A 112)

Latest release
Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period

Bus transport (COFOG-A 112) consists of government expenditure on bus transport. This category is further classified into:

  • urban bus transport (COFOG-A 1121); and
  • non-urban bus transport (COFOG-A 1122).

Urban bus transport (COFOG-A 1121)


Urban bus transport (COFOG-A 1121) consists of:

  • the administration of affairs and services concerning operation, use, construction or maintenance of urban bus transport systems and facilities;
  • the supervision and regulation of urban bus transport users (passenger safety, freight security, regulation of hours of work of bus drivers, etc.), of urban bus transport system operations (granting of franchises, approval of passenger fares and of hours and frequency of service, etc.) and of urban bus transport facility construction and maintenance;
  • the construction or operation of non-enterprise-type urban bus transport systems and facilities;
  • the production and dissemination of general information, technical documentation and statistics on urban bus transport system operations and urban bus transport facility construction; and
  • grants, loans or subsidies to support the operation, construction, maintenance or upgrading of urban bus transport systems and facilities.

Includes: Cleaning and maintenance of urban bus shelters and terminals; cleaning of urban bus transport; planning and designing urban bus transport systems and facilities; urban bus transport connected with tourism.

Excludes: Bus transportation services to students (classified to transportation of non-urban school students (COFOG-A 0951) or transportation of other students (COFOG-A 0952)).

Non-urban bus transport (COFOG-A 1122)


Non-urban bus transport (COFOG-A 1122) consists of:

  • the administration of affairs and services concerning operation, use, construction or maintenance of non-urban bus transport systems and facilities;
  • the supervision and regulation of non-urban bus transport users (passenger safety, security of freight, etc.), of non-urban bus transport system operations (granting of franchises, approval of passenger fares and of hours and frequency of service, etc.) and of non-urban bus transport facility construction and maintenance;
  • the construction or operation of non-enterprise-type non-urban bus transport systems and facilities;
  • the production and dissemination of general information, technical documentation and statistics on non-urban bus transport system operations and non-urban bus transport facility construction; and
  • grants, loans or subsidies to support the operation, construction, maintenance or upgrading of non-urban bus transport systems and facilities.

Includes: Cleaning and maintenance of non-urban bus shelters and terminals; cleaning of non-urban bus transport; planning and designing non-urban bus transport systems and facilities; non-urban bus transport connected with tourism.

Excludes: Bus transportation services to students (classified to transportation of non-urban school students (COFOG-A 0951) or transportation of other students (COFOG-A 0952)).

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