Producer Price Indexes, Australia

Latest release

Measures price change of goods and services as they leave or enter the production process

Reference period
December 2024
  • Next Release 2/05/2025
    Producer Price Indexes, Australia, March 2025
  • Next Release 1/08/2025
    Producer Price Indexes, Australia, June 2025
  • Next Release 31/10/2025
    Producer Price Indexes, Australia, September 2025
  • View all releases

Key statistics

Final demand (excluding exports)

  • Rose 0.8% this quarter.
  • Rose 3.7% over the past twelve months.

What are the Producer Price Indexes?

What is Final demand?

What's new this quarter

From the December quarter 2024, a new analytical series, the Childcare Services Cost Index (CSCI) will be released as a supplement to the quarterly Producer Price Indexes (PPI) publication. The CSCI measures changes in prices paid by childcare providers for goods, services, and labour required to provide childcare services to households. Table 37. Childcare Services Cost Index includes index numbers, and quarterly and annual percentage changes for this series. 

The main measure of childcare prices from a Producer Price Index perspective will continue to be the Output price index for childcare services. This index measures changes in prices received by childcare providers for providing childcare services. The price received by childcare providers includes both fees paid by households and any subsidies received by providers. For more information, see Introducing a new Childcare Services Cost Index.

For a detailed list of previous changes, see History of changes.

Quarterly overview

Final demand rose 0.8% this quarter and 3.7% through the year to December quarter 2024. Annual growth eased for the second consecutive quarter, with growth across most industries lower compared to the same quarter last year. An exception to this trend was Accommodation, where price growth outpaced the last two December quarters due to strong demand.

The main contributors to quarterly growth in Final demand were:

  • Property operators (+1.5%), due to growth in rent prices and the flow on to higher property fees. The rise is lower compared to the same period last year (+2.2%), as reduced demand and increased rental supply have resulted in a gradual easing of price growth. 
  • Accommodation (+8.3%), due to strong seasonal demand for summer holiday accommodation.

Partially offsetting the rise was a price fall in:

  • Petroleum refining and petroleum fuel manufacturing (-6.3%), due to lower refined fuel prices as global oil prices continued to ease.
  1. Main contributors are ordered by quarterly contribution to index movement


Input to the house construction industry

Output of the construction industry


Input to the coal mining industry

Output of the mining industry


Input to the manufacturing industry

Output of the manufacturing industry


Output of the services industries

Analytical series

Childcare Services Cost Index

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Data Explorer datasets

Caution: Data in Data Explorer is currently released after the 11:30am release on the ABS website. Please check the reference period when using Data Explorer.

For more information about Data Explorer, see the Data Explorer user guide.

Final demand


Mining industries


Analytical series

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 6427.0.

Using price indexes

Price indexes in contracts

Price indexes published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provide summary measures of the movements in various categories of prices over time. They are published primarily for use in Government economic analysis. Price indexes are also often used in contracts by businesses and government to adjust payments and/or charges to take account of changes in categories of prices (Indexation Clauses).

Use of Price Indexes in Contracts sets out a range of issues that should be taken into account by parties considering including an Indexation Clause in a contract using an ABS published price index.

Changes in future issues

From the March quarter 2025, the following indexes will be included in the Time Series Spreadsheets: 

  • 4900 Air and space transport (Table 21. Output of the Transport, postal and warehousing industries, group and class index numbers) 
  • 8101 Technical vocational education (Table 34. Output of the Education and training industries, group and class index numbers)



The quarterly PPI measures the change in prices of goods and services in Australia as they leave or enter the production process. More details on scope of each index can be found under Indexes


Producer Price Indexes are available at the national level, and state or capital city level for selected indexes


Prices for a range of goods and services are collected from a sample of businesses undertaking economic activity in Australia, and supplemented by using internal ABS data sources and publicly available administrative data

Collection method

Prices are collected via a webform based tailored survey questionnaire

Concepts, sources and methods

Descriptions of the underlying concepts and methods used are available in the PPI and ITPI Concepts, Sources and Methods 

History of changes

  • Childcare Services Cost Index released December quarter 2024
  • For a detailed list see History of changes  
View full methodology
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