Survey of Financial Information

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If you need help completing this form, submitting the form to the Secure Deposit Box, or want to know more about this survey, please call 1800 651 552 (free call excluding mobile phones). We can often advise on ways of making this task easier for you.

Purpose of the survey

The survey was established primarily to provide data for the Australian Financial Accounts which are not otherwise available. The Australian Financial Accounts (cat. no. 5232.0), which is part of the National Accounting framework, contains financial profiles of each sub sector of the economy and the market for each conventional financial instrument (eg. equity, bonds etc). There are also tables showing inter–sectoral financial transactions and measures of sectoral financial surpluses and deficits. In theory, the scope of the Survey of Financial Information (SFI) is those institutional units transacting in financial assets or liabilities with other institutional units. In practice, the coverage is a small subset of the scope. ABS covers only those units about which suitable data from some other source (e.g. administrative data from APRA) cannot be obtained. In addition, SFI data is used to provide information about certain segments of the financial markets, namely the managed funds and securitisation markets.

The data from the Survey of Financial Information (SFI) feeds into the following publications:

Frequently asked questions

Why is the SFI sent out quarterly?

Do I have to complete the form?

Is confidentiality of my data guaranteed?

What happens if some of the data requested on the forms is not available?

Are there any other aides available for completing the forms?

Can I get an extension of time to complete the survey?

Definitions page

The definitions page describes the sectors and financial instruments requested on the form.

Leases reporting guidance

Additional questions have been added to the survey from December 2019 due to changes introduced by AASB 16 Leases. This page provides guidance on how to report these new questions.

Survey of Financial Information - Reporting guidance for AASB 16 Leases.

Determining the economic sector of a counterparty

Where relevant, you may be required to classify the sector counterparty of financial assets and liabilities in accordance with the Standard Economic Sector Classifications of Australia (SESCA) (cat. no. 1218.0). You can use a variety of ways to allocate counterparties to an economic sector, for example:

  • obtain information directly from the business;
  • use publicly available information about the business – for example, from the business website; or
  • use other information you hold about the business along with Australia New Zealand Standard Industry Classification (ANZSIC) (cat, no, 1292.0) codes to map to a sector category.

Once a business entity is classified to its one and only ANZSIC category, this will map to one SESCA category in the majority of cases. However, in a handful of cases, the ANZSIC category assigned may map into multiple SESCA classifications. In such cases, further criteria, such as the business’s legal structure and/or balance sheet composition may be used to assign a unique sectoral classification. A concordance map from ANZSIC 2006 to SESCA 2008 is provided below and is specifically designed to assist entities reporting to APRA in the Economic and Financial Statistics (EFS) collection in classifying counterparties.

Mapping of ANZSIC to SESCA to APRA form

For funds that are listed on the ASX, you may use the following ASX mapping guide, which categorises all listed entities (name and GICS code) on the ASX by sectoral classification. This guide has been specifically designed to assist entities reporting to APRA in the EFS or Superannuation collections, however it is important to note it is currently under review with some finer level sector classifications subject to change. 

The notable highlight for this quarter is the listing of Cuscal Limited (CCL), which has been mapped as an Authorized Deposit-taking Institution (ADI).

ASX Mapping Guide SISCA Reporting - January 2025

Frequently asked questions about the SFI electronic forms

NOTE:  Please do not alter the Excel form sent to you in any way (apart from entering data), as doing so will make your survey return invalid.

Generally, how will the electronic form work?

How do I save the Excel form?

If I make a mistake can I resubmit the form in the same quarter?

Can I submit different parts of the form at different times?

Can I use the form sent in the current quarter for future quarters to lodge my data?

Can I set up my systems to fill in the form automatically from my organisation's accounting software/systems?

How do I lodge the form to the ABS?

Checklist to assist in completing the SFI

How to submit the completed return

Instructions for electronic lodgement of information via the ABS Secure Deposit Box

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