2021 Census data corrections

ProductKnown error or issueDate corrected
Community Profiles, DataPacks, GeoPackages and multiple 2021 Census TableBuilder datasetsAn overcount of step children and an undercount of natural or adopted children for couple families has been identified in Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory and Other Territories. Victoria was partially affected. South Australia, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory remain unaffected. Only step children in couple families where the spouse was temporarily absent were impacted. These children have been incorrectly categorised to the step child of male parent or female parent categories for both Child type (CTPP) and Child type (including grandchildren) (CTGP) variables. These children have also been incorrectly categorised to step child under 15, student step child or non-dependent step child for both Relationship in household (RLHP) and Relationship in household (including grandchildren) (RLGP) variables. This also means these families have been incorrectly categorised as step families in the Family blending (FBLF) variable.  Not corrected
Cultural diversity: CensusCensus article - Religious affiliation in Australia, Table of Christian affiliation by generation, 2021: Corrected count of Interwar (75 yrs and over) in Other religions(a) (%) column to reflect accurate percentage of Interwar generation who are affiliated with other religions. 26/07/2024
Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset, 2006-2016 and 2011-2016 TablebuilderThe 2016 Engagement in employment, education and training female and male parent variables (EETP_FP_16 and EETP_MP_16) have 916 and 554 records respectively incorrectly coded to ‘Not applicable’ instead of ‘Engagement status undetermined/not stated’.Not corrected
Same-sex couples living together in AustraliaSame-sex couples living together in Australia. Table - Same-sex couples by state and territory, 2021: The count and proportion (%) data in the column labelled “2021 total all couples” was corrected to reflect total couples instead of total Australian population.05/04/2024
Community Profiles, DataPacks and GeoPackagesIn G01 of the General Community Profile, DataPacks and GeoPackages templates, footnote (e) incorrectly states that the counts for ‘Age of persons attending education institution’ includes ‘not further defined’ categories (‘Primary not further defined’, ‘Secondary not further defined’, ‘Tertiary not further defined’). These categories are not included in the counts. Not corrected
Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset, 2016-2021 (acld1621d-g) detailed microdataThe Tenure and landlord type (TENLLD) variable had records coded to ‘Not applicable’ which have been corrected to ‘Rented: Person not in same household’.22/02/2024
Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset, 2006-2021 (acld0621d-g) detailed microdataOne hundred and thirty-one records in the 2021 Census data were erroneously included when their ages were outside the benchmark range, this led to a small negative weight for those individuals. These 2021 records have now been set to unlinked (with a weight of 0).22/02/2024
Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset, 2006-2021 (acld0621d-g), and 2011-2021 (acld1121d-g) detailed microdataThe 2016 Engagement in employment, education and training female and male parent variables (EETP_FP_16 and EETP_MP_16) had records coded to ‘Not applicable’ which have been corrected to ‘Engagement status undetermined/not stated’.22/02/2024
New Census insights on income in Australia using administrative dataNew Census insights on income in Australia using administrative data article, Total weekly income section, High income earners: corrected figure for proportion of high income earners for the applicable population. 13/02/2024
Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset, 2006-2021 (acld0621d-g), and 2011-2021 (acld1121d-g) detailed microdata

Some minor metadata formatting issues were corrected. The variables and their fixed categories are:

  • UAI5P_21 (categories 1 & 3)
  • UAI5P_SP_21 (categories 1 & 3)
  • UAI1P_21 (categories 1 & 3)
  • UAI1P_SP_21 (categories 1 & 3)
  • SA2_MOVE_1YR_21 (categories 0 & 3)
  • SA2_MOVE_5YR_21 (categories 0 & 3)
  • STATE_MOVE_1YR_21 (categories 0 & 3)
  • STATE_MOVE_5YR_16 (category 3)
  • STATE_MOVE_5YR_21 (categories 0 & 3)
  • LINKFLAG_21 (categories 1 & 2)
Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset, 2006-2021 (acld0621d-g), and 2011-2021 (acld1121d-g) detailed microdataAn error of null values in the 2016 Place of Usual Residence 1 Year Ago (PUR1P_16) and the 2016 Place of Usual Residence 5 Years Ago (PUR5P_16) variables have been coded to ‘Not Stated’ values.19/12/2023
TableBuilder and detailed microdataFor the Dwelling type (DWTD) and Dwelling indicator for persons (DWIP) variables there are a small number of people were incorrectly coded to migratory, off-shore, or shipping statuses. Not corrected
Community Profiles and DataPacks

In the relevant Community Profile and DataPack, the following tables (listed by table number and name) had corrections made to some cells:

General Community Profiles

  • G08 Ancestry by country of birth of parents
  • G11 Proficiency in spoken English by year of arrival in Australia by age (DataPack only)
  • G19 Type of long-term health condition by age by sex
  • G62 Method of travel to work by sex

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Community Profiles                           

  • I11 Long-term health conditions by Indigenous status by sex
  • I12 Type of long-term health condition by age for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander persons
  • I16 Housing suitability by Indigenous household indicator

Place of Enumeration Profiles

  • P08 Ancestry by country of birth of parents
  • P19 Type of long-term health condition by age by sex
  • P45 Method of travel to work by sex

Working Population Profile                       

  • W25 Long-term health conditions by age
Australia's journey to work mapCorrected text in pop out boxes of the interactive map for Australia's journey to work to accurately represent the data displayed.06/12/2022
Cultural diversity: CensusCensus article Religious affiliation in Australia, Table of Religious affiliation of recent migrants: Corrected count of Not Stated in Number of migrants column and proportions of Christianity, Other religions and No religious affiliation in Proportions of migrants column to reflect counts and proportions of migrants who arrived in Australia from 2017 to 10 August 2021. 15/11/2022
Education and training: CensusEducation and training data summary download, Table 2. Highest year of schooling, completed and current, by age by sex, 2021: Labelling error corrected on total rows.14/10/2022
Service with the Australian Defence Force: CensusCensus article - Australian Defence Force service, Graph - Household weekly income of people aged 15-64 years, by whether served in the ADF, 2021: Correction made to cell for Currently serving (Regular and Reserves) at $400-$499.11/08/2022
Cultural diversity: CensusCensus article - Religious affiliation in Australia, Graph - Count of people with Christian affiliation in 2016 and 2021, age at 2016 and graph - Count of people reporting No religion in 2016 and 2021, age at 2016: Corrected labelling of 2016 data in both graphs to make 'age at 2016' accurate and updated data points for persons at age accordingly.  27/07/2022
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: CensusMedia release - 2021 Census finds Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander older population continues to grow, number of people speaking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages at home in 2021 updated to address a minor error.21/07/2022
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: Census

Census article – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population summary download, Table 9. Equivalised weekly household income for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households by state and territory: Median equivalised household income (weekly)($) for South Australia, Tasmania, and Australian Capital Territory were updated to fix a minor calculation error.

South Australia: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population summary, Households and families: The average size of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households in 2011 was updated to correct a rounding error.

Australian Capital Territory: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population summary, Health: Data in graph for Long-term health conditions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people corrected.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: CensusAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people data summary download, Table 3. Housing suitability for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households by state and territory:  'Not overcrowded' was updated to include the following categories: 'Four or more bedrooms spare', 'Three bedrooms spare', 'Two bedrooms spare', 'One bedroom spare', 'No bedrooms needed or spare'. As a result, this has increased the counts in the 'Not overcrowded' and 'Total' column.01/07/2022
Census QuickStatsAll persons QuickStats and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people QuickStats have been updated for all geographies to address a minor error. The affected variable was Sex (SEXP), specifically percentages (%). No changes were made to total counts.30/06/2022


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