Scope of the TSA
23.13 The ATSA measures the direct impacts of tourism only. Indirect impacts are outside the scope of the ATSA; however, they are measured by Tourism Research Australia, using the tourism Supply and Use table and input-output multipliers.
23.14 A direct impact occurs where there is a direct relationship (physical and economic) between a visitor and a producer of a good or service.
23.15 Alternatively, the indirect effect of tourism consumption is a broader notion that includes downstream impacts of tourism demand. For example, a visitor buying a meal generates indirect effects for the food manufacturer, the transporter, the electricity distributor, etc., all of which provide the necessary inputs required to make the meal.
23.16 In the case of goods purchased by visitors, only the retail margin contributes to key tourism supply measures. This is because it is deemed that only the retailer has a direct relationship with the visitor and is, therefore, part of the tourism industry. The implication of this treatment is that the value added generated in the chain of supply of goods to visitors up to, but not including, the retail level will be treated as an ''indirect effect'' of tourism consumption, while only the value added generated from retail trade activities provided to visitors will be considered as a direct effect.