Cultivated biological resources (TALC 13)
Cultivated biological resources (TALC 13) is further classified into:
- animal resources yielding repeat products (TALC 131); and
- tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products (TALC 132). whose natural growth and regeneration are under the direct control, responsibility and management of institutional units.
Animal resources yielding repeat products (TALC 131)
Animal resources yielding repeat products (TALC 131) consists of animal resources that yield repeat products and that are under the direct control, responsibility and management of institutional units.
Includes: Breeding stocks; dairy cattle; draft animals; sheep or other animals used for wool production; animals used for transportation, racing or entertainment; aquatic resources yielding repeat products; immature animal resource assets produced on own account.
Excludes: Immature animal resource assets unless produced for own use (classified to inventories – work in progress (TALC 211)); animals raised for slaughter, including poultry (classified to inventories – work in progress (TALC 211)).
Tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products (TALC 132)
Tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products (TALC 132) consists of tree, crop and plant resources that yield repeat products and that are under the direct control, responsibility and management of institutional units.
Includes: Trees, vines and shrubs cultivated for fruits, nuts, sap, resin, bark and leaf products; vineyards, orchards and plantations; immature tree, crop and plant resource assets produced on own account.
Excludes: Trees grown for timber that yield a finished product once only when they are ultimately felled (classified to inventories - goods for resale (TALC 214)); grains or vegetables that produce only a single crop when they are harvested (classified to inventories - goods for resale (TALC 214)); immature tree, crop and plant resource assets unless produced on own account (classified to inventories – work in progress (TALC 211)).