The economic type framework
The economic type framework (ETF) is the primary framework that is used to classify flows (transactions, holding gains and losses and other volume changes) and stocks (assets and liabilities) according to their economic nature in GFS. The structure of the ETF is hierarchical, and consists of a 1-digit level (division), a 2-digit level (subdivision), a 3-digit level (group), and a 4-digit level (class). The divisions reflect the primary financial statements of the government at the broadest level and the subdivisions describe the major components that form part of each financial statement. Each group and class details the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses which comprise each subdivision. The divisions are comprised of:
- revenue and expenses (ETF 1);
- statement of sources and uses of cash (ETF 2);
- transactions in financial assets and liabilities (ETF 3);
- transactions in non-financial assets (excluding depreciation) (ETF 4);
- other economic flows of assets and liabilities (ETF 5);
- intra-unit transfers (ETF 6);
- supplementary information (ETF 7); and
- balance sheet (ETF 8).
The ETF is shown in Table A1A.5 below.
Descriptor | Classification codes |
Revenue | ETF 11 |
Taxation revenue | ETF 111 |
Taxes on income | ETF 1111 TC SDC |
Other current taxes | ETF 1112 TC SDC |
Taxes on products | ETF 1113 TC SDC |
Other taxes on production | ETF 1114 TC SDC |
Capital taxes | ETF 1115 TC SDC |
Sales of goods and services | ETF 112 |
Sales by market establishments | ETF 1121 COFOG-A SDC |
Administrative fees | ETF 1122 COFOG-A SDC |
Incidental sales by non-market establishments | ETF 1123 COFOG-A SDC |
Imputed sales of goods and services | ETF 1124 COFOG-A SDC |
Property income | ETF 113 |
Interest income | ETF 1131 SDC |
Dividend income (including tax equivalents) | ETF 1132 SDC |
Withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations | ETF 1133 SDC |
Land rent income | ETF 1134 SDC |
Royalty income | ETF 1135 SDC |
Revenue from investment funds | ETF 1136 SDC |
Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment | ETF 1137 SDC |
Property income not elsewhere classified | ETF 1139 SDC |
Other current revenue | ETF 114 |
Revenue from current grants and subsidies | ETF 1141 SDC |
Fines, penalties and forfeits | ETF 1142 SDC |
Premiums, fees and current claims related to non-life insurance and standardised guarantee schemes | ETF 1143 SDC |
Other current revenue not elsewhere classified | ETF 1149 SDC |
Capital revenue | ETF 115 |
Revenue from capital grants | ETF 1151 SDC |
Assets acquired below market value | ETF 1152 TALC COFOG-A SDC |
Capital claims related to non-life insurance and standardised guarantee schemes | ETF 1153 SDC |
Capital revenue not elsewhere classified | ETF 1159 SDC |
Expenses | ETF 12 |
Superannuation expenses | ETF 121 |
Superannuation expenses - defined contribution scheme | ETF 1211 COFOG-A SDC |
Superannuation expenses - defined benefit scheme | ETF 1212 COFOG-A SDC |
Imputed employers' contributions - defined benefit scheme | ETF 1213 COFOG-A SDC |
Other employee expenses | ETF 122 |
Wages, salaries and supplements in cash | ETF 1221 COFOG-A SDC |
Wages and salaries in kind | ETF 1222 COFOG-A SDC |
Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) expenses | ETF 1223 COFOG-A SDC |
Workers' compensation expenses | ETF 1224 COFOG-A SDC |
Other employee expenses not elsewhere classified | ETF 1229 COFOG-A SDC |
Non-employee expenses | ETF 123 |
Production tax expenses | ETF 1231 COFOG-A TC SDC |
Social benefits to households in goods and services | ETF 1232 COFOG-A SDC |
Use of goods and services | ETF 1233 COFOG-A SDC |
Non-employee expenses not elsewhere classified | ETF 1239 COFOG-A SDC |
Depreciation | ETF 124 |
Depreciation of fixed produced assets (non-defence) | ETF 1241 TALC COFOG-A |
Depreciation of fixed produced assets (defence) | ETF 1242 TALC COFOG-A |
Current transfer expenses | ETF 125 |
Current grant expenses | ETF 1251 COFOG-A SDC |
Subsidies on products | ETF 1252 COFOG-A SDC |
Other subsidies on production | ETF 1253 COFOG-A SDC |
Current monetary transfers to households | ETF 1254 COFOG-A SDC |
Tax expenses | ETF 1255 COFOG-A TC SDC |
Premiums, fees and current claims related to non-life insurance and standardised guarantee schemes | ETF 1256 COFOG-A SDC |
Current transfer expenses not elsewhere classified | ETF 1259 COFOG-A SDC |
Capital transfer expenses | ETF 126 |
Capital grant expenses | ETF 1261 COFOG-A SDC |
Assets donated | ETF 1262 TALC COFOG-A SDC |
Capital claims related to non-life insurance and standardised guarantee schemes | ETF 1263 COFOG-A SDC |
Capital transfer expenses not elsewhere classified | ETF 1269 COFOG-A SDC |
Interest expenses | ETF 127 |
Interest on defined benefit superannuation | ETF 1271 COFOG-A SDC |
Interest expenses not elsewhere classified | ETF 1279 COFOG-A SDC |
Other property expenses | ETF 128 |
Income transferred by public corporations as dividends (including tax equivalents) | ETF 1281 COFOG-A SDC |
Withdrawal from income of quasi-corporations | ETF 1282 COFOG-A SDC |
Land rent and royalty expenses | ETF 1283 COFOG-A SDC |
Dividends to shareholders | ETF 1284 COFOG-A SDC |
Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment | ETF 1285 COFOG-A SDC |
Property expense for investment income disbursements | ETF 1286 COFOG-A SDC |
Other property expenses not elsewhere classified | ETF 1289 COFOG-A SDC |
Cash flows from operating activities | ETF 21 |
Cash receipts from operating activities | ETF 211 |
Taxes received | ETF 2111 SDC |
Cash received from sales of goods and services | ETF 2112 SDC |
Grants and subsidies received | ETF 2113 SDC |
Income transferred from public corporations | ETF 2114 SDC |
Interest received | ETF 2115 SDC |
Cash receipts from operating activities not elsewhere classified | ETF 2119 SDC |
Cash payments for employee expenses | ETF 212 |
Cash paid for employee superannuation - defined contribution schemes | ETF 2121 SDC |
Cash paid for employee superannuation - defined benefit scheme | ETF 2122 SDC |
Salary sacrifice expenses - superannuation | ETF 2123 SDC |
Salary sacrifice expenses - items other than superannuation | ETF 2124 SDC |
Cash payments for employee expenses not elsewhere classified | ETF 2129 SDC |
Cash payments for non-employee expenses | ETF 213 |
Cash paid for the purchase of other goods and services | ETF 2131 SDC |
Subsidies paid | ETF 2132 SDC |
Grants paid | ETF 2133 SDC |
Other transfer payments | ETF 2134 SDC |
Interest paid | ETF 2135 SDC |
Distributions paid
| ETF 2136 SDC |
Cash payments for non-employee expenses not elsewhere classified | ETF 2139 SDC |
Cash flows from transactions in non-financial assets | ETF 22 |
Expenditure on non-financial assets (net) | ETF 221 |
Purchases of new non-financial assets | ETF 2211 SDC |
Purchases of second-hand non-financial assets | ETF 2212 SDC |
Sales of non-financial assets | ETF 2213 SDC |
Cash flows from transactions in financial assets for policy purposes | ETF 23 |
Advances paid (net) | ETF 231 |
Advances paid - concessional loans
| ETF 2311 SDC |
Advances paid other than concessional loans
| ETF 2312 SDC |
Repayments of advances | ETF 2313 SDC |
Equity acquisitions, disposals and sale of equity (net) | ETF 232 |
Equity acquisitions | ETF 2321 SDC |
Equity disposals and sale of equity | ETF 2322 SDC |
Cash flows from investments in financial assets for liquidity management purposes | ETF 24 |
Increase in investments | ETF 241 |
Increase in investments | ETF 2411 SDC |
Cash flows from financing activities | ETF 25 |
Advances received (net) | ETF 251 |
Advances received - concessional loans | ETF 2511 SDC |
Advances received other than concessional loans | ETF 2512 SDC |
Advances repaid | ETF 2513 SDC |
Borrowing (net) | ETF 252 |
Borrowing (net) | ETF 2521 SDC |
Deposits received | ETF 253 |
Increase in deposits received | ETF 2531 SDC |
Other financing (net) | ETF 259 |
Other financing not elsewhere classified (net) | ETF 2599 SDC |
Increase / (decrease) in cash held | ETF 26 |
Increase / (decrease) in cash held | ETF 261 |
Increase / (decrease) in cash held | ETF 2611 SDC |
Transactions in financial assets (net) | ETF 31 |
Transactions in financial assets (net) | ETF 311 |
Transactions in financial assets (net) | ETF 3111 TALC SDC |
Transactions in liabilities (net) | ETF 32 |
Transactions in liabilities (net) | ETF 321 |
Transactions in liabilities (net) | ETF 3211 TALC SDC |
Acquisitions of non-financial assets | ETF 41 |
Acquisitions of non-financial assets | ETF 411 |
Change in inventories | ETF 4111 TALC COFOG-A |
Acquisitions of non-financial assets under new finance leases | ETF 4112 TALC COFOG-A SDC |
Own-account capital formation | ETF 4113 TALC COFOG-A |
Acquisitions of other new non-financial assets | ETF 4114 TALC COFOG-A SDC |
Acquisitions of second-hand non-financial assets | ETF 4115 TALC COFOG-A SDC |
Costs of ownership transfer on non-produced assets other than land | ETF 4116 TALC COFOG-A SDC |
Disposals of non-financial assets | ETF 42 |
Disposals of non-financial assets | ETF 421 |
Disposals of non-financial assets (excluding depreciation) | ETF 4211 TALC COFOG-A SDC |
Reductions in non-financial assets due to depreciation | ETF 4212 TALC |
Holding gains and losses (revaluations) | ETF 51 |
Holding gains and losses (revaluations) | ETF 511 |
Holding gains and losses on financial assets | ETF 5111 TALC |
Holding gains and losses on non-financial assets | ETF 5112 TALC |
Holding gains and losses on liabilities | ETF 5113 TALC |
Change in net worth due to holding gains and losses | ETF 512 |
Change in net worth due to holding gains and losses | ETF 5121 |
Other changes in volume | ETF 52 |
Other changes in volume | ETF 521 |
Other changes in the volume of financial assets | ETF 5211 TALC |
Other changes in the volume of non-financial assets | ETF 5212 TALC |
Other changes in the volume of liabilities | ETF 5213 TALC |
Change in net worth due to other changes in volume | ETF 522 |
Change in net worth due to other changes in volume | ETF 5221 |
Intra-unit transfers | ETF 60 |
Intra-unit transfers | ETF 600 |
Intra-unit payments | ETF 6001 |
Intra-unit receipts | ETF 6002 |
Memorandum items - balance sheet | ETF 71 |
Implicit transfers | ETF 711 |
Implicit transfers receivable from concessional loans | ETF 7111 |
Implicit transfers payable due to concessional loans | ETF 7112 |
Liabilities in arrears and related charges | ETF 712 |
Total arrears | ETF 7121 |
Interest on arrears | ETF 7122 |
Non-performing loans | ETF 713 |
Non-performing loans at market value | ETF 7131 |
Contingent liabilities | ETF 72 |
Explicit contingent liabilities | ETF 721 |
Loan and other debt instrument guarantees | ETF 7211 |
Other one-off guarantees | ETF 7212 |
Legal claims | ETF 7213 |
Indemnities | ETF 7214 |
Uncalled share capital | ETF 7215 |
Explicit contingent liabilities not elsewhere classified | ETF 7219 |
Implicit contingent liabilities | ETF 722 |
Present value of implicit obligations for future social security benefits | ETF 7221 |
Implicit contingent liabilities not elsewhere classified | ETF 7229 |
Provisions for doubtful debts | ETF 73 |
Provisions for doubtful debts | ETF 731 |
Provisions for doubtful debts | ETF 7311 TALC SDC |
Debt maturity | ETF 74 |
Debt by maturity valued at market value | ETF 741 |
Short-term debt by original maturity valued at market value | ETF 7411 TALC SDC |
Long-term debt with payment due within one year or less valued at market value | ETF 7412 TALC SDC |
Long-term debt with payment due in more than one year valued at market value | ETF 7413 TALC SDC |
Salary sacrifice expenses | ETF 75 |
Salary sacrifice expenses | ETF 751 |
Salary sacrifice expenses - superannuation | ETF 7511 SDC |
Salary sacrifice expenses not elsewhere classified | ETF 7519 SDC |
Own-account capital formation | ETF 76 |
Own-account superannuation payments | ETF 761 |
Own-account actual employers' contributions - defined contribution scheme | ETF 7611 TALC COFOG-A |
Own-account actual employers' contributions - defined benefit scheme | ETF 7612 TALC COFOG-A |
Own-account imputed employers' contributions - defined benefit scheme | ETF 7613 TALC COFOG-A |
Own-account employee payments other than superannuation | ETF 762 |
Own-account wages, salaries and supplements in cash | ETF 7621 TALC COFOG-A |
Own-account wages and salaries in kind | ETF 7622 TALC COFOG-A |
Own-account salary sacrifice payments - superannuation | ETF 7623 TALC COFOG-A |
Own-account salary sacrifice payments - items other than superannuation | ETF 7624 TALC COFOG-A |
Own-account Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) payments | ETF 7625 TALC COFOG-A |
Own-account workers' compensation payments | ETF 7626 TALC COFOG-A |
Own-account employee payments not elsewhere classified | ETF 7629 TALC COFOG-A |
Own-account non-employee payments | ETF 763 |
Own-account use of goods and services | ETF 7631 TALC COFOG-A |
Own-account depreciation of fixed produced assets | ETF 7632 TALC COFOG-A |
Own-account taxes on production less other subsidies on production | ETF 7633 TALC COFOG-A |
Own-account non-employee payments not elsewhere classified | ETF 7639 TALC COFOG-A |
Fixed Produced assets | ETF 81 |
Buildings and structures | ETF 811 |
Dwellings | ETF 8111 |
Buildings other than dwellings | ETF 8112 |
Land improvements | ETF 8113 |
Structures not elsewhere classified | ETF 8119 |
Machinery and equipment | ETF 812 |
Transport equipment | ETF 8121 |
Information, computer and telecommunications equipment | ETF 8122 |
Machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified | ETF 8129 |
Cultivated biological resources | ETF 813 |
Animal resources yielding repeat products | ETF 8131 |
Tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products | ETF 8132 |
Intellectual property products | ETF 814 |
Research and development | ETF 8141 |
Mineral exploration and evaluation | ETF 8142 |
Computer software | ETF 8143 |
Databases | ETF 8144 |
Entertainment, literary and artistic originals | ETF 8145 |
Intellectual property products not elsewhere classified | ETF 8149 |
Weapons systems | ETF 815 |
Weapons systems | ETF 8151 |
Other produced assets | ETF 82 |
Inventories | ETF 821 |
Inventories - materials and supplies | ETF 8211 |
Inventories - work in progress | ETF 8212 |
Inventories - finished goods | ETF 8213 |
Inventories - goods for resale | ETF 8214 |
Military inventories | ETF 8215 |
Valuables | ETF 822 |
Valuables | ETF 8221 |
Other produced assets | ETF 823 |
Other produced assets not elsewhere classified | ETF 8239 |
Non-produced assets | ETF 83 |
Tangible non-produced assets | ETF 831 |
Land | ETF 8311 |
Mineral and energy resources | ETF 8312 |
Non-cultivated biological resources | ETF 8313 |
Water resources | ETF 8314 |
Radio spectra | ETF 8315 |
Tangible non-produced assets not elsewhere classified | ETF 8319 |
Intangible non-produced assets | ETF 832 |
Marketable operating leases | ETF 8321 |
Permits to use natural resources | ETF 8322 |
Permits to undertake specific activities | ETF 8323 |
Entitlement to future goods and services on an exclusive basis | ETF 8324 |
Goodwill and marketing assets | ETF 8325 |
Intangible non-produced assets not elsewhere classified | ETF 8329 |
Other non-produced assets | ETF 833 |
Other non-produced assets not elsewhere classified | ETF 8339 |
Financial assets | ETF 84 SDC |
Currency and deposits | ETF 841 SDC |
Cash and deposits | ETF 8411 SDC |
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) | ETF 8412 SDC 130 |
Monetary gold (bullion) | ETF 8413 |
Monetary gold (allocated and unallocated) | ETF 8414 SDC 130 |
Securities and related assets | ETF 842 SDC |
Debt securities | ETF 8421 SDC |
Financial derivatives | ETF 8422 SDC |
Employee stock options | ETF 8423 SDC |
Equity including contributed capital | ETF 8424 SDC |
Investment fund shares or units | ETF 8425 SDC |
Loans and placements | ETF 843 SDC |
Finance leases | ETF 8431 SDC |
Advances - concessional loans | ETF 8432 SDC |
Advances other than concessional loans | ETF 8433 SDC |
Loans and placements not elsewhere classified | ETF 8439 SDC |
Insurance, superannuation, and standardised guarantee schemes | ETF 844 SDC |
Non-life insurance technical reserves | ETF 8441 SDC |
Life insurance and annuities entitlements | ETF 8442 SDC |
Provisions for defined benefit superannuation* | ETF 8443 SDC |
Claims of superannuation funds on superannuation manager | ETF 8444 SDC |
Provisions for calls under standardised guarantee schemes | ETF 8445 SDC |
Other financial assets | ETF 845 SDC |
Provisions for employee entitlements other than superannuation* | ETF 8451 SDC |
Accounts receivable | ETF 8452 SDC |
Other financial assets not elsewhere classified | ETF 8459 SDC |
Liabilities | ETF 85 SDC |
Currency and deposits | ETF 851 SDC |
Cash and deposits | ETF 8511 SDC |
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) | ETF 8512 SDC |
Securities and related liabilities | ETF 852 SDC |
Debt securities | ETF 8521 SDC |
Financial derivatives | ETF 8522 SDC |
Employee stock options | ETF 8523 SDC |
Equity including contributed capital | ETF 8524 SDC |
Investment fund shares or units | ETF 8525 SDC |
Loans and placements | ETF 853 SDC |
Finance leases | ETF 8531 SDC |
Advances - concessional loans | ETF 8532 SDC |
Advances other than concessional loans | ETF 8533 SDC |
Loans and placements not elsewhere classified | ETF 8539 SDC |
Insurance, superannuation, and standardised guarantee schemes | ETF 854 SDC |
Non-life insurance technical reserves | ETF 8541 SDC |
Life insurance and annuities entitlements | ETF 8542 SDC |
Provisions for defined benefit superannuation | ETF 8543 SDC |
Claims of superannuation funds on superannuation manager | ETF 8544 SDC |
Provisions for calls under standardised guarantee schemes | ETF 8545 SDC |
Other liabilities | ETF 855 SDC |
Provisions for employee entitlements other than superannuation | ETF 8551 SDC |
Accounts payable | ETF 8552 SDC |
Other liabilities not elsewhere classified | ETF 8559 SDC |
Net worth | ETF 86 |
Net worth | ETF 861 |
Net worth | ETF 8611 |