Non-produced assets (ETF 83)

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Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
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Non-produced assets (ETF 83)


Non-produced assets (ETF 83) is further classified into:

  • tangible non-produced assets (ETF 831);
  • intangible non-produced assets (ETF 832); and
  • other non-produced assets (ETF 839).

Tangible non-produced assets (ETF 831)


Tangible non-produced assets (ETF 831) is further classified into:

  • land (ETF 8311) and is further discussed in paragraph A1A.294 of this manual;
  • mineral and energy resources (ETF 8312) and is further discussed in paragraph A1A.295 of this manual;
  • non-cultivated biological resources (ETF 8313) and is further discussed in paragraph A1A.296 of this manual;
  • water resources (ETF 8314) and is further discussed in paragraph A1A.297 of this manual;
  • radio spectra (ETF 8315) and is further discussed in paragraph A1A.298 of this manual; and
  • tangible non-produced assets not elsewhere classified (ETF 8319) and is further discussed in A1A.299 of this manual.

Intangible non-produced assets (ETF 832)


Intangible non-produced assets (ETF 832) is further classified into:

  • marketable operating leases (ETF 8321) and is further discussed in paragraph A1A.301 of this manual;
  • permits to use natural resources (ETF 8322) and is further discussed in paragraph A1A.302 of this manual;
  • permits to undertake specific activities (ETF 8323) and is further discussed in paragraph A1A.303 of this manual;
  • entitlement to future goods and services on an exclusive basis (ETF 8324) and is further discussed in paragraph A1A.304 of this manual;
  • goodwill and marketing assets (ETF 8325) and is further discussed in paragraph A1A.305 of this manual; and
  • intangible non-produced assets not elsewhere classified (ETF 8329) and is further discussed in paragraphs 8.142 and 8.144 of this manual.

Other non-produced assets (ETF 833)


Other non-produced assets (ETF 833) is further classified into:

  • other non-produced assets not elsewhere classified (ETF 8339) and is further discussed in paragraph A1A.308 of this manual.
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