Part G - GFS output data requests

Latest release
Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period


Users of ABS GFS are encouraged to follow the steps below when framing requests for GFS output data:

  1. Select the output sector for which data are required, e.g. NSW state general government sector;
  2. Select the ETF category required;
  3. Select any non-ETF classification (e.g. COFOG-A) categories required; and
  4. Send the data request to the ABS contact officer.


On receipt of such requests, the ABS usually reconfirms the client requirements, especially where they are large and involved. A charge is made to cover the costs of extracting data to meet users’ requests. For complex requests, the client must accept the quote for the ABS work before it proceeds.

GFS data requests via telephone


Local and international ABS GFS output data requests can be directed to the ABS by telephone via the ABS National Information and Referral Service on telephone:

Australia: 1300 135 070; or
International: +61 2 9268 4909.

This service operates between 9:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday.

GFS data requests via email


ABS GFS output data requests may be forwarded to the ABS via email through the ABS inquiry form:


GFS output requests via post


Written ABS GFS output data requests can be directed by mail to:

ABS Client Services
Locked Bag 10,
Belconnen, ACT 2616

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