Part B - The statement of sources and uses of cash

Latest release
Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period


The main purpose of the statement of sources and uses of cash is to assess the level of liquidity of the general government and public sectors by measuring the net cash inflow from operating activities and the cash surplus (+) / cash deficit (-) position of the government. Paragraph 4.32 of the IMF GFSM 2014 describes the statement of sources and uses of cash as showing the total amount of cash generated or absorbed by current operating activities, transactions in non-financial assets, and transactions involving financial assets and liabilities other than the financial asset, cash and deposit (TALC 411) itself. This therefore reflects the cash basis of accounting. Non-cash flow items such as depreciation, accounts receivable / accounts payable or in-kind transactions are not captured by the statement of sources and uses of cash. Table 12.1 below shows a broad outline of the elements that comprise the GFS statement of sources and uses of cash.

Table 12.1 - Statement of sources and uses of cash
 Cash flows from operating activities
 Cash receipts from operating activities (ETF 211)
 Cash payments for employee expenses (ETF 212)
 Cash payments for non-employee expenses (ETF 213)
1Cash flows from operating activities (ETF 21)


Cash flows from transactions in non-financial assets (ETF 22)
3Cash flows from transactions in financial assets for policy purposes (ETF 23)
4Cash flows from investments in financial assets for liquidity management purposes (ETF 24)
5Cash flows from financing activities (ETF 25)
   Net change in the stock of cash
[ 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 ]
   GFS cash surplus (+) / GFS cash deficit (-)
[ 1 + 2 ]
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