311134 Biosecurity Officer
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
311134 Biosecurity Officer
Inspects and assesses goods, conveyances, plants, animals and the environment for biosecurity risk to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, and to prevent the incursion and spread of exotic pests and diseases.
Biosecurity officers (weeds and pests) are excluded from this occupation. Biosecurity officers (weeds and pests) are included in Occupation 591134 Invasive Pest, Weed and Disease Inspector.
Skill level: 2
Main tasks
- Inspects goods, ships, aircraft, passengers, plants and animals, and assesses documentation to confirm compliance with biosecurity requirements
- Issues legal directions to control identified biosecurity risks
- Provides advice about biosecurity matters to customers, clients, staff and managers
- Identifies trends in biosecurity risks, and reports to superiors to assist in targeting intelligence and risk-based activities
- Participates in biosecurity response activities to control and manage biosecurity incidents
- Maintains records of biosecurity inspections, assessments and enforcement actions