North Sydney (A)

2016 Census Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people QuickStats
Geography type Local Government Areas
Area code LGA15950
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people 203
Male 51.7%
Female 48.3%
Median age 34
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander households 141
Average people per household 2.1
Median weekly household income $2,390
Median monthly mortgage repayments $2,600
Median weekly rent $551

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demographics & education | cultural & language diversity | employment

Demographics & education

People tables are based on a person's place of usual residence on Census night

People North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Aboriginal 171 84.2 207,250 95.9 590,062 90.9
Torres Strait Islander 23 11.3 4,840 2.2 32,344 5.0
Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander 9 4.4 4,080 1.9 26,767 4.1

For the 2016 Census in North Sydney (A), there were 203 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. Of these, 51.7% were male and 48.3% were female.

View the data quality statements for: Place of Usual Residence (PURP) Indigenous status (INGP)

Age North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Median age 34 -- 22 -- 23 --
0-4 years 13 6.4 24,956 11.5 73,265 11.3
5-14 years 17 8.3 49,311 22.8 147,134 22.7
15-24 years 26 12.7 41,327 19.1 123,719 19.1
25-34 years 52 25.5 27,767 12.8 88,861 13.7
35-44 years 38 18.6 22,886 10.6 72,394 11.2
45-54 years 22 10.8 22,421 10.4 67,415 10.4
55-64 years 21 10.3 15,934 7.4 45,433 7.0
65 years and over 15 7.4 11,576 5.4 30,952 4.8

In North Sydney (A), the median age of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people was 34 years. Of the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people 16.8% were children aged 0 to 14 years and 7.4% were people aged 65 years and over.

View the data quality statement for Age (AGEP)
Registered marital status
People aged 15 years and over
North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Married 43 24.9 33,345 23.5 105,086 24.5
Separated 3 1.7 6,715 4.7 19,112 4.5
Divorced 19 11.0 10,931 7.7 28,796 6.7
Widowed 6 3.5 4,357 3.1 13,794 3.2
Never married 102 59.0 86,555 61.0 261,980 61.1

In North Sydney (A), 24.9% of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people were married and 12.7% were either divorced or separated.

View the data quality statement for Registered marital status (MSTP)
Social marital status
People aged 15 years and over
North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Registered marriage 39 25.7 29,736 23.4 86,716 23.1
De facto marriage 31 20.4 18,245 14.4 60,051 16.0
Not married 82 53.9 78,875 62.2 228,281 60.9

In North Sydney (A), 25.7% of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people were in a registered marriage and 20.4% were in a de facto marriage.

View the data quality statement for Social marital status (MDCP)
Education attendance North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Pre-school 8 13.8 7,286 8.2 16,698 6.4
Primary 8 13.8 33,034 37.1 97,859 37.5
Secondary 18 31.0 22,640 25.4 65,208 25.0
Technical or further education institution 4 6.9 6,508 7.3 14,227 5.5
University or tertiary institution 11 19.0 5,623 6.3 15,489 5.9
Other 0 0.0 1,420 1.6 5,047 1.9
Not stated 9 15.5 12,589 14.1 46,428 17.8

Of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in North Sydney (A), 28.7% were attending an educational institution. Of these, 13.8% were attending a primary school, 31.0% were attending a secondary school and 25.9% were attending a tertiary or technical institution.

View the data quality statement for Educational Institution Attendee Status (TYSTAP)
Level of highest educational attainment
People aged 15 years and over
North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Bachelor Degree level and above 79 45.9 9,510 6.7 24,911 5.8
Advanced Diploma and Diploma level 11 6.4 8,908 6.3 23,795 5.5
Certificate level IV 8 4.7 5,294 3.7 14,308 3.3
Certificate level III 17 9.9 20,305 14.3 56,625 13.2
Year 12 22 12.8 17,641 12.4 59,949 14.0
Year 11 7 4.1 9,222 6.5 34,674 8.1
Year 10 10 5.8 26,665 18.8 77,265 18.0
Certificate level II 0 0.0 475 0.3 1,215 0.3
Certificate level I 0 0.0 45 0.0 241 0.1
Year 9 or below 5 2.9 23,512 16.6 64,604 15.1
No educational attainment 0 0.0 792 0.6 4,256 1.0
Not stated 10 5.8 15,835 11.2 56,698 13.2

Of people aged 15 and over in North Sydney (A), 12.8% reported having completed Year 12 as their highest level of educational attainment, 11.0% had completed a Certificate III or IV and 6.4% had completed an Advanced Diploma or Diploma.

View the data quality statement for Level of highest educational attainment (HEAP)

Cultural & language diversity

Australian Indigenous language, top responses North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
English only spoken at home 175 87.9 204,018 94.4 544,491 83.9

English was the only language spoken at home by 87.9% of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in North Sydney (A). There were no other responses for language spoken at home.

View the data quality statement for Language spoken at home (LANP)
Ancestry, top responses North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Australian 128 43.5 150,901 49.9 399,843 45.0
English 72 24.5 60,982 20.2 152,758 17.2
Irish 29 9.9 18,060 6.0 45,887 5.2
Australian Aboriginal 25 8.5 29,526 9.8 140,480 15.8
Scottish 18 6.1 11,704 3.9 30,843 3.5

Respondents had the option of reporting up to two ancestries on their Census form, and this is captured by the Ancestry Multi Response (ANCP) variable used in this table. Therefore, the total responses count will not equal the persons count for this area. Calculated percentages represent a proportion of all responses from people in North Sydney (A) (including those who did not state an ancestry).

For Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in North Sydney (A), the most common ancestries were Australian 43.5%, English 24.5%, Irish 9.9%, Australian Aboriginal 8.5% and Scottish 6.1%.

View the data quality statement for Ancestry (ANCP)


People who reported being in the labour force, aged 15 years and over
North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Worked full-time 93 79.5 38,368 49.7 106,960 48.0
Worked part-time 15 12.8 22,333 29.0 61,049 27.4
Away from work 3 2.6 4,612 6.0 14,143 6.4
Unemployed 6 5.1 11,827 15.3 40,486 18.2
Not in the labour force 44 26.8 60,973 43.0 190,132 44.3

There were 117 people who reported being in the labour force in the week before Census night in North Sydney (A). Of these 79.5% were employed full time, 12.8% were employed part-time and 5.1% were unemployed.

The ABS Labour Force Survey provides the official estimates of Australia's unemployment rate. More information about Census and labour force status is provided in Understanding the Census and Census Data.

For information on the Community Development Programme (CDP) please refer to the Census Data Dictionary. CDP data is available in TableBuilder.

View the data quality statement for Labour force status (LFSP)
Occupation, top responses
Employed people aged 15 years and over
North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Professionals 47 41.6 8,807 13.5 24,339 13.4
Managers 21 18.6 4,756 7.3 12,844 7.1
Clerical and Administrative Workers 19 16.8 8,060 12.3 23,174 12.7
Technicians and Trades Workers 10 8.8 9,016 13.8 24,399 13.4
Sales Workers 9 8.0 5,993 9.2 15,791 8.7
Community and Personal Service Workers 4 3.5 11,165 17.1 30,991 17.0
Inadequately described 3 2.7 1,024 1.6 3,291 1.8

The only responses for occupations for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in North Sydney (A) were Professionals 41.6%, Managers 18.6%, Clerical and Administrative Workers 16.8%, Technicians and Trades Workers 8.8%, Sales Workers 8.0%, Community and Personal Service Workers 3.5% and Inadequately described 2.7%.

View the data quality statement for Occupation (OCCP)
Industry of employment, top responses
Employed people aged 15 years and over
North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals) 8 13.6 2,306 3.5 5,542 3.0
Banking 4 6.8 504 0.8 1,125 0.6
Computer System Design and Related Services 4 6.8 216 0.3 549 0.3
Higher Education 4 6.8 684 1.0 1,885 1.0
Pubs, Taverns and Bars 3 5.1 658 1.0 1,627 0.9

For Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in North Sydney (A), the most common industries of employment were Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals) 13.6%, Banking 6.8%, Computer System Design and Related Services 6.8%, Higher Education 6.8% and Pubs, Taverns and Bars 5.1%.

View the data quality statement for Industry of employment (INDP)
Median weekly incomes
People aged 15 years and over
North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Personal 1,213 -- 472 -- 441 --
Household 2,390 -- 1,214 -- 1,203 --

The median weekly personal income for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in North Sydney (A) was $1,213 and the median weekly household income was $2,390.

View the data quality statements for: Total personal income (INCP) Total household income (HIND)

Unpaid work
People aged 15 years and over
North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Did unpaid domestic work (last week) 121 76.1 86,767 61.1 263,334 61.4
Cared for child/children (last two weeks) 38 23.0 42,758 30.1 136,079 31.7
Provided unpaid assistance to a person with a disability (last two weeks) 17 10.3 20,600 14.5 58,541 13.7
Did voluntary work through an organisation or group (last 12 months) 54 32.7 21,598 15.2 63,303 14.8

In North Sydney (A), of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, 76.1% did unpaid domestic work in the week before the Census. During the two weeks before the Census, 23.0% provided care for children and 10.3% assisted family members or others due to a disability, long term illness or problems related to old age. In the year before the Census, 32.7% of people did voluntary work through an organisation or a group.

View the data quality statements for: Unpaid domestic work (DOMP) Unpaid child care (CHCAREP) Unpaid assistance (UNCAREP) Voluntary work (VOLWP)


dwelling characteristics | dwelling structure

Dwelling characteristics

Dwelling tables exclude visitor only and other non-classifiable households

Dwelling characteristics
Occupied private dwellings where at least one person was Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Average number of people per household 2.1 -- 3.1 -- 3.2 --
Average number of persons per bedroom 1.1 -- 1 -- 1 --
Average number of registered motor vehicles per dwelling 1.2 -- 1.8 -- 1.7 --

There has been change in methodology used to calculate the average number of persons per bedroom. To compare the time series for average number of persons per bedroom please refer to Understanding the Census and Census Data

In North Sydney (A), for dwellings occupied by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, the average household size was 2.1 persons, with 1.1 persons per bedroom and 1.2 registered motor vehicles per dwelling.

View the data quality statements for: Number of Bedrooms in Private Dwelling (BEDD) Household composition (HHCD) Indigenous household Indicator (INGDWTD)

Housing costs
Occupied private dwellings where at least one person was Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Median weekly rent 551 -- 270 -- 250 --
Median monthly mortgage repayments 2,600 -- 1,733 -- 1,660 --

In North Sydney (A), for dwellings occupied by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, the median weekly rent was $551 and the median monthly mortgage repayment was $2,600.

View the data quality statements for: Rent weekly payments (RNTD) Mortgage monthly repayments (MRED) Indigenous household Indicator (INGDWTD)

Family household composition
Counts the types of families within family households at the dwelling level
North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
One family household: Couple family with no children 39 30.0 15,498 16.2 42,536 16.2
One family household: Couple family with children 26 20.0 29,267 30.6 80,803 30.7
One family household: One parent family 11 8.5 25,476 26.7 67,528 25.7
One family household: Other family 0 0.0 1,801 1.9 5,547 2.1
Multiple family household: Couple family with no children 0 0.0 742 0.8 2,223 0.8
Multiple family household: Couple family with children 0 0.0 1,456 1.5 4,951 1.9
Multiple family household: One parent family 0 0.0 1,862 1.9 5,768 2.2
Multiple family household: Other family 0 0.0 92 0.1 471 0.2
Other household 54 41.5 19,295 20.2 53,195 20.2

In North Sydney (A), of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander households, 30.0% were a couple family with no children, 20.0% were a couple family with children and 8.5% were a one parent family.

In multiple family households, only the family composition of the primary family is recorded. Other household includes lone person households and group households.

View the data quality statement for Family Household Composition, dwelling level (HCFMD)

Dwelling structure

Dwelling structure
Occupied private dwellings where at least one person was Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Separate house 13 9.2 75,718 79.7 211,205 80.7
Semi-detached, row or terrace house, townhouse etc 24 16.9 9,282 9.8 27,017 10.3
Flat or apartment 105 73.9 8,821 9.3 20,580 7.9
Other dwelling 0 0.0 1,144 1.2 2,897 1.1

In North Sydney (A) there were 141 private dwellings occupied by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. Where a dwelling type was stated, 9.2% were separate houses, 16.9% were semi-detached, row or terrace houses, townhouses etc, 73.9% were flats or apartments and 0.0% were other dwellings.

View the data quality statement for Dwelling structure (STRD)
Occupied private dwellings where at least one person was Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
North Sydney (A) % North Sydney (A) New South Wales % New South Wales Australia % Australia
Owned outright 11 8.4 13,854 14.5 32,045 12.2
Owned with a mortgage 26 19.8 26,061 27.3 68,085 25.9
Rented 90 68.7 51,327 53.8 150,832 57.3
Other tenure type 0 0.0 696 0.7 1,888 0.7
Tenure type not stated 4 3.1 3,553 3.7 10,182 3.9

In North Sydney (A), of dwellings occupied by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, 8.4% were owned outright, 19.8% were owned with a mortgage and 68.7% were rented.

View the data quality statement for Tenure type (TEND)

Small random adjustments have been made to all cell values to protect the confidentiality of data. These adjustments may cause the sum of rows or columns to differ by small amounts from the table totals. For further information, go to the User Guide for QuickStats.

Data reported for Australia and Other Territories now includes Norfolk Island, following an amendment to the Acts Interpretation Act, 1901. Because Norfolk Island has not previously been included in the Census, any 2011 benchmarks will not include Norfolk Island.