Marian Baird AO is Professor of Gender and Employment Relations, and the first female professor in industrial relations at the University of Sydney. She is a Presiding Pro-Chancellor of the University of Sydney, Head of the Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies and Co-Director of the Women, Work and Leadership Research Group in the University of Sydney Business School. Marian’s disciplinary background is industrial relations and her research focus is gender and employment, in particular how regulation and social norms interact to produce different labour market outcomes for women and men.
Economic implications of the digital economy
Joint conference hosted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Reserve Bank of Australia

Event overview
9-10 March 2022
H.C. Coombs Centre
122A Kirribilli Avenue, Kirribilli NSW 2061
This conference is designed to provide a better understanding of the policy implications arising from digital technology-enabled disruption and explore the links to economic measurement and the information needs of policy makers.
Digital disruption leads to existing business models being supplanted by new models that bring more efficiency to the sale or distribution of products. Consumers are increasingly able to use technology to shop for products at lower prices with greater convenience - which has the impact of reducing the pricing power of businesses. This reduced pricing power, in turn, causes businesses to further intensify their focus on creating greater operational efficiencies.
It is likely that this disruption is becoming a greater factor in the economic outcomes of workers. Increasingly, workers with lower levels of educational attainment are seeing their jobs restructured or eliminated. Unless they have sufficient math and literacy skills, or are retrained, these workers will see their productivity and incomes decline as a result of disruption.
Further digital technology provides opportunities for how government interacts with citizens in the delivery of services such as education and health. It also provides the potential for new approaches to policy setting which are more targeted and evidence based than previously due to the availability of more timely and granular data.
The rise of the digital economy has also seen the rise of firms that do not explicitly charge their customers for the products they offer but instead use the data their customers (passively) provide to generate value. This creates questions for the measurement of their economic output. Further, the network benefits that accrue to firms that are dominant suppliers generates an oligopolistic structure for the industry, which has public-policy implications.
Professor Marian Baird
Dr Tom Barratt
Dr James Bishop
Professor Jeff Borland
Professor Robert Breunig
Dr Andrew Charlton
Associate Professor Michael Coelli
Mark Cully
Dr Catherine de Fontenay
Dr Guy Debelle
Professor Kevin Fox
Dr Caleb Goods
Elayne Grace
Dr David Gruen
Angela Hope
Dr Ralph Lattimore
Dr John Simon
Michael Smedes
Dr Alex Veen
Jacqui Vitas
Professor Elizabeth (Beth) Webster
Elise Whalan
Danielle Wood
Conference agenda

Time | Agenda item | Speakers |
7:30am | Coffee, tea and breakfast | |
9:30am | Welcome to Country | |
9:40am | Opening remarks | Dr David Gruen, Australian Bureau of Statistics |
10:00am | Session 1 – Digital implications for business operations and production: tax policy, international trade, production functions, capital investment, fintech | |
Impact of digital innovation on new products, processes, and competition | Professor Elizabeth (Beth) Webster, Swinburne University of Technology | |
Digital services taxes | Professor Robert Breunig, The Australian National University | |
Valuing data as an asset, implications for economic measurement | Michael Smedes, Australian Bureau of Statistics | |
Head in the Cloud: Firm performance and cloud computing | Dr Catherine de Fontenay, Productivity Commission Dr Ralph Lattimore, Productivity Commission | |
Discussant | Mark Cully, Treasury | |
Chair | Dr John Simon, Reserve Bank of Australia | |
1:00pm | Lunch | |
2:30pm | Session 2 – Digital implications for the labour market: skills, education, wages, displaced workers, intermediaries | |
The Australian labour market and the digital economy | Professor Jeff Borland, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Michael Coelli, University of Melbourne | |
Navigating new forms of work and Australia's social security system: the experiences of Australian ride-share drivers | Professor Marian Baird, University of Sydney Dr Tom Barratt, Edith Cowan University Dr Caleb Goods, University of Western Australia Dr Alex Veen, University of Sydney | |
Digital skills in the Australian and international economies | Angela Hope, National Skills Commission | |
Discussant | Dr James Bishop, Reserve Bank of Australia | |
Chair | Michael Smedes, Australian Bureau of Statistics | |
4:30pm | Close session 2 | |
6:00pm | Conference dinner | |
7:00pm | Panel discussion
| Dr David Gruen, Australian Bureau of Statistics Dr Guy Debelle, Reserve Bank of Australia Danielle Wood, Grattan Institute Panel Moderator: Dr Andrew Charlton, Accenture |
8:30pm | Close day 1 |
Time | Agenda item | Speakers |
7:30am | Coffee, tea and breakfast | |
9:00am | Session 3 – Digital implications for consumers: competition, utility, pricing power & inflation, households as producers, data sovereignty | |
Big data and the digital economy: Benefits and pitfalls in the insurance industry | Elayne Grace, Actuaries Institute | |
The digital economy, welfare and productivity growth | Professor Kevin Fox, University of New South Wales | |
Looking under the lamppost or shining a new light: new data for unseen challenges | Mark Cully, Treasury Elise Whalan, Treasury | |
Discussant | Danielle Wood, Grattan Institute | |
Chair | Jacqui Vitas, Australian Bureau of Statistics | |
12:30pm | Closing remarks/wrap up/summary/key takeaways | Dr John Simon, Reserve Bank of Australia |
12:45pm | Lunch and depart |
Papers - Session 1

Dr Ralph Lattimore, Productivity Commission
Papers - Session 2

Associate Professor Michael Coelli, University of Melbourne

Papers - Session 3

Elise Whalan, Treasury