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What are Census data items and where are they listed?

A Census data item (or variable) is a characteristic of a data unit which is measured or observed eg. country of birth, or income.

Census data items are classified in three groups:
  • Person variables
  • Family variables
  • Dwelling variables

For a complete list of all Census data items (variables) please refer to the 2011 Census Dictionary (cat. no. 2901.0).

For a list of data items available in TableBuilder Basic and TableBuilder Pro, go to TableBuilder data & geography.

Where can I find simple tables, graphs, maps and text?

QuickStats offers simple tables with a map included to highlight the area of selection and includes brief text about the data sourced in each table and graphs for selected topics. For creation of your own simple tables, graphs and maps, the free TableBuilder Basic product will allow you to quickly select a geography of your choice with a classification and then view or download a graph or a map.

Which information can I copy or print?

Most Census products offer information that can be printed.

QuickStats are available as a PDF file, Profiles as Excel workbooks and TableBuilder offers outputs for CSV, Excel, PDF, PNG and KMZ.

Which information is free?

QuickStats, Analytical articles, Community Profiles, TableBuilder Basic and DataPacks downloaded from the Web are free for users to access.

Which information can I download and take away?

See Product help for more information on the download and export capabilities of each product.

For a fee, ABS Information Consultants can generate Census data for a range of output types not available on our website. For information about these services, see Customised Data Services.

How can I create my own tables, graphs and maps from Census data?

TableBuilder (Basic and Pro) offers these features. TableBuilder Basic is free, and TableBuilder Pro is a charged product: see Microdata Prices for details.

Experienced MapInfo and ArcGIS users will be able to generate and map the Community Profile Series from DataPacks.

Which Census data can I use in my own modelling and analysis programs?

Experienced MapInfo and ArcGIS users will be able to generate and map the Community Profile Series from DataPacks.

The 1% and 5% Census Sample Files, which will be available in December 2013, will provide a confidentialised sample of Census unit record data for modelling and analysis.

Using Census data

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Groups of people

Communities, areas & locations

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