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2006 Census
reference & information

A range of 2006 Census reference information and documentation is available

2006 Census Dictionary

The 2006 Census Dictionary (cat. no. 2901.0) contains details of the classifications used in the 2006 Census, along with definitions of Census concepts and themes. The dictionary is a comprehensive reference guide that will help you determine and specify your data requirements.

2006 Census Fact Sheets

2006 Census Fact Sheets (cat. no. 2914.0) summarise conceptual and data issues, and changes that have occurred since the last Census. Fact sheets are designed to assist in the use and interpretation of Census data. Census Fact Sheet - Information for Ethnic Communities or Multicultural Australia (2906.0) includes fact sheets about the 2006 Census in English and other languages, in PDF format.
The Census Fact Sheet - Time Capsule, 2006 (cat. no. 2906.0.55.002) is a brochure describing the Census Time Capsule, which offered Australians the opportunity to have their name-identified Census information preserved on microfilm and held securely by the National Archives of Australia until 2105. This option was first offered in the 2001 Census.

2006 Census: Fact Sheets / Articles of interest contains links to articles about the 2006 Census procedures and background information. Note that the Census Guide (cat. no. 2914.0.30.001) which was a CD ROM containing information about the 2006 Census, products and services, is no longer available as some of the material it contains is now obsolete. Also CLIB 2001, a CD ROM of information provided to libraries, is no longer available.

Discover your Census

Discover your Census (cat. no. 2915.0) contains product information and reference material about the 2006 Census. It also includes information on the two stage release strategy, release schedule and the change to Place of Usual Residence as the primary basis for releasing data.

How Australia Takes a Census, 2006

How Australia Takes a Census, 2006 (cat. no. 2903.0) describes how the 2006 Census was planned, conducted and processed.

2006 Census Information Papers

These papers provide background information on different aspects of the way the 2006 Census was conducted and which will also assist in the interpretation of 2006 Census data. The papers provide an explanation of conceptual and data issues, and of procedures used by the ABS in conducting the Census.

2006 Census Household Form

Download a copy of the 2006 Census Household Form in PDF format (277KB).

Census Household Guide, 2006

The Census Household Guide, 2006 (cat. no. 2969.0.55.001) gave instructions, in PDF and audio formats, for completing the Household Form.

Census Update

Census Update (cat. no. 2902.0) was a regular newsletter providing informative commentary and articles on the Census.


Release of data from the 2006 Census

The Hon. Peter Costello MP, Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia: Keynote speech at the occasion of the launch of the 2006 Census of Population and Housing results.
Launch of 2006 Census, 27 June 2007, The Hon. Peter Costello MP

The Australian Statistician, Brian Pink: speech at the launch of the 2006 Census results.
2006 Census results launch, 27 June 2007, Brian Pink

2006 media releases and fact sheets (cat. no. 2914.0.55.002) contains media releases and fact sheets related to the first release of 2006 Census data on 27 June 2007.

Census media releases 2003 – 2005

Media releases about the 2006 Census were also released between 2003, when the ABS sought public comment on the nature and content of the 2006 Census, and 2005, announcing the release of a discussion paper about the development of a Statistical Longitudinal Census Dataset.
July 2003: 2006 Census – consultation invited by ABS
April 2005: Australians asked about plans to enhance the national population census

For a complete list of ABS media releases, go to the Media Centre.

Data quality

Short Definitions and Classifications in the 2006 Census Dictionary (cat. no. 2901.0) provide detailed information on each Census characteristic including a description, an image of the question as it appeared on the Census form, details about the classification and information on issues affecting data quality for that particular characteristic. They also include information about comparison with other ABS data.

2006 Non-response Rates (cat. no. 2914.0.55.001) contains general information about the 2006 non-response rates for Persons, Items and Dwellings. Includes non-response rate tables for each state and territory, and the whole of Australia.

Go to the Historical data quality page for more information about data quality for the 2006 Census.

Historical reference & information

Archived content. See ABS Website for latest information and statistics