Learn and explore Census data
Learn about how your class can explore our nation and local communities through Census data
Class discussion
Every five years, the ABS counts every person and household in Australia. We call this the Census of Population and Housing.
The Census is the most comprehensive snapshot of the country and tells the story of how we are changing. Census data tells us about the country's economic, social and cultural make-up.
Census data is used to plan services that impact our lives, including schools, health care, transport and infrastructure. It is also used to plan local support for individuals, families and communities.
The last Census was on Tuesday 10 August 2021. Planning for the next Census in 2026 is currently underway.
These resources have been provided to help your class discuss:
- Why do we have a Census?
- What questions are included in the Census form?
- What snapshot does Census data provide about our community?
- How does Census data inform national and local services?
Video resources
Visit the ABS Youtube channel to access these videos in a Learn the Census playlist
The Census is held every five years. It’s a snapshot of who we are, and tells the story of how we are changing.
It helps us understand what we need now and takes the guesswork out of preparing for the future – as individuals, families, communities and as a nation.
Census data is used for lots of things, big and small.
It informs how funding is shared between states and territories; our electoral boundaries; and planning transport, schools, roads, housing and healthcare services.
With the help of Census data…
…we’ve seen major medical breakthroughs, such as the link between Rubella and birth defects…
…researchers have been able to model the potential impact of COVID-19…
... regional and rural communities can access health care through the Royal Flying Doctor Service…
… disadvantaged students have more pathways to tertiary education…
… new playgrounds are being built in suburbs with lots of families…
… people experiencing homelessness have improved access to free laundry facilities, showers and conversations…
… and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have more access to health care and transport.
Go to www.census.abs.gov.au for more information.
What does the 2021 Census data tell us?
The Census counted 25,422,788 Australians on the 10th of August 2021.
Where do you fit in?
Are you one of the 66.9% of people living in our greater capital cities? Or maybe you make up the 33.1% living in other parts of Australia.
Have you hit the median age of 38?
Are you one of the 3.2% of the population who identified as having Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Or maybe you represent our diverse culture and were one of the 27.6% of people born overseas.
To find out more, visit census.abs.gov.au
What does the 2021 Census data tell us?
The Census tells us that over 40% of us moved in the last five years.
Did you know that one in seven people worked in the Health Care and Social Assistance industry?
The Census tells us about how COVID-19 changed the way we live….
Maybe you were part of the 70% increase in Delivery Drivers since 2016.
Perhaps you were one of the 2.5 million people who worked from home on Census Day?
Explore the data at census.abs.gov.au
Downloadable classroom resources