Key results by category
The diagram below shows for employees in scope of the May 2018 Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours, the proportion of employees by category of employee.

- Proportions are based on unrounded estimates. Components may sum to more than 100%
- See paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Explanatory notes in the Methodology.
In May 2018 there were 10,647,200 employees, of whom 49.9% were male and 50.1% were female. Average weekly total cash earnings was $1,288.70 for all employees, $1,525.40 for male employees and $1,053.30 for female employees. The average age of all employees was 39.8 years.
Full-time employees made up 60.2% of all employees, had average weekly total cash earnings of $1,699.20 and had an average age of 41.0 years. Part-time employees accounted for 39.8% of all employees, had average weekly total cash earnings of $668.30 and had an average age of 38.1 years.
Male employees were predominantly full-time (75.1% of male employees). Full-time males had average weekly total cash earnings of $1,810.90 and an average age of 41.1 years. Part-time male employees had average weekly total cash earnings of $666.00 and were, on average, younger than full-time males with an average age of 36.1 years.
More female employees were employed part-time (54.6%) than full-time (45.4%). Average weekly total cash earnings was $1,515.60 for full-time females and $669.30 for part-time females. There was a smaller gap in the average ages of full-time females (40.8 years) and part-time females (39.0 years) than their male counterparts.
The majority of employees (78.0%) were employed on a permanent or fixed term basis. In May 2018, these employees had average weekly total cash earnings of $1,469.20. Average weekly total cash earnings was $1,692.60 for males employed on a permanent or fixed term basis and $1,229.50 for female permanent or fixed term employees.
Casual employees accounted for 22.0% of employees and had average weekly total cash earnings of $649.20. Male casual employees had average weekly total cash earnings of $814.20 and represent 19.0% of total male employees. Male casual employees had an average age of 34.2 years, younger than the average age of female casual employees (35.0 years). Female casual employees had average weekly total cash earnings of $524.30 and represent 25.0% of total female employees.
The majority of employees were aged 35 years and over (60.2%). Employees aged 20 years and under comprised 6.9% of all employees. Average weekly total cash earnings were highest for employees aged 45 to 54 years of age ($1,544.20) and were lowest for employees aged 20 years and under ($383.70).
All employees, average weekly total cash earnings, number of employees - age category, May 2018
20 years and under | 383.70 | 737.8 |
21 to 34 years | 1 127.60 | 3 496.6 |
35 to 44 years | 1 503.70 | 2 320.9 |
45 to 54 years | 1 544.20 | 2 255.2 |
55 years and over | 1 373.40 | 1 836.6 |
All ages | 1 288.70 | 10 647.2 |
Among major occupation groups, Managers had both the highest average weekly total cash earnings ($2,424.50) and the highest average age (45.9 years). Sales workers had the lowest average weekly total cash earnings ($735.90) and average age (33.7 years). Managers comprised 7.1% of all employees and Sales workers comprised 11.7% of all employees.
The largest proportion of employees were Professionals (22.0%) who received average weekly total cash earnings of $1,751.40 and had an average age of 41.9 years. The smallest proportion of employees were Machinery operators and drivers (6.6%) who received average weekly total cash earnings of $1,355.10 and had an average age of 42.8 years.
Average weekly total cash earnings was highest for employees in the Mining industry ($2,674.80), who represented 1.6% of all employees and had an average age of 41.7 years. The lowest average weekly total cash earnings was for employees in the Accommodation and food services industry ($616.20), who represented 7.5% of employees and had the lowest average age of all industries (30.1 years).
The largest proportion of employees were in the Health care and social assistance industry (13.8%), who received average weekly total cash earnings of $1,176.50 and had an average age of 42.6 years. Employees in the Public administration and safety industry had the highest average age (44.5 years).
States and territories
The average weekly total cash earnings of all employees was highest in the Australian Capital Territory ($1,517.20). The average weekly total cash earnings of all employees was lowest in Tasmania ($1,092.30) and South Australia ($1,153.40).
Average weekly total cash earnings for all employees was higher in the public sector ($1,552.80) than in the private sector ($1,227.10). Private sector employees comprised 81.1% of all employees and public sector employees comprised 18.9% of all employees. The average age of public sector employees was 44.6 years, older than that of their private sector counterparts (38.7 years).
Method of setting pay
Employees on Award or Collective agreement accounted for 58.9% of all employees in May 2018. Employees paid by Individual arrangement accounted for 37.3% of all employees with the remaining 3.8% of employees being Owner managers of incorporated enterprises.
Employer size
Businesses with under 20 employees employed 22.3% of all employees excluding Owner managers of incorporated enterprises and 40.9% of employees paid at the apprentice or trainee rate. Average weekly total cash earnings for all rates of pay was lowest in businesses with under 20 employees ($917.30) and highest in businesses with 100 to 999 employees ($1,440.40).
Distribution of earnings for all employees
Weekly total cash earnings, employment status
Median weekly total cash earnings was $1,500.00 for all full-time employees paid at the adult rate, and $1,463.00 for all full-time employees. The lowest paid 10% of all full-time employees paid at the adult rate received weekly total cash earnings of $925.00 or less, and the highest paid 10% received $2,771.00 or more.
The inter quartile range (i.e. the middle 50%) of weekly total cash earnings for all full-time employees paid the adult rate was from $1,125.00 to $2,068.00, or for all full-time employees was from $1,093.00 to $2,044.00.
Median weekly total cash earnings for all part-time employees was $577.00. One in 10 part-time employees received weekly total cash earnings of $138.00 or less, and one in 10 part-time employees received $1,244.00 or more.
All employees, distribution of weekly total cash earnings - employment status, May 2018
Paid at the adult rate of pay | Total | Total | Total | |||
ESTIMATE | ||||||
Deciles and quartiles | ||||||
10th Percentile | 925.00 | 890.00 | 138.00 | 312.00 | ||
20th Percentile | 1 057.00 | 1 028.00 | 255.00 | 560.00 | ||
25th Percentile (1st quartile) | 1 125.00 | 1 093.00 | 314.00 | 682.00 | ||
30th Percentile | 1 190.00 | 1 155.00 | 369.00 | 781.00 | ||
40th Percentile | 1 332.00 | 1 305.00 | 474.00 | 954.00 | ||
50th Percentile (median) (2nd quartile) | 1 500.00 | 1 463.00 | 577.00 | 1 110.00 | ||
60th Percentile | 1 696.00 | 1 661.00 | 694.00 | 1 296.00 | ||
70th Percentile | 1 924.00 | 1 916.00 | 808.00 | 1 538.00 | ||
75th Percentile (3rd quartile) | 2 068.00 | 2 044.00 | 880.00 | 1 686.00 | ||
80th Percentile | 2 217.00 | 2 203.00 | 969.00 | 1 875.00 | ||
90th Percentile | 2 771.00 | 2 739.00 | 1 244.00 | 2 367.00 | ||
Average weekly total cash earnings | 1 730.60 | 1 699.20 | 668.30 | 1 288.70 | ||
Deciles and quartiles | ||||||
10th Percentile | 6.00 | 6.10 | 4.40 | 8.40 | ||
20th Percentile | 3.10 | 6.50 | 7.10 | 8.80 | ||
25th Percentile (1st quartile) | 6.10 | 7.20 | 7.60 | 10.60 | ||
30th Percentile | 7.70 | 5.60 | 7.40 | 8.80 | ||
40th Percentile | 7.80 | 6.90 | 7.50 | 6.60 | ||
50th Percentile (median) (2nd quartile) | 9.30 | 11.60 | 8.40 | 9.40 | ||
60th Percentile | 12.10 | 13.90 | 7.90 | 9.10 | ||
70th Percentile | 9.80 | 7.80 | 8.10 | 8.30 | ||
75th Percentile (3rd quartile) | 11.80 | 13.40 | 8.40 | 14.50 | ||
80th Percentile | 12.10 | 10.00 | 9.80 | 14.00 | ||
90th Percentile | 24.00 | 25.90 | 13.90 | 20.00 | ||
Average weekly total cash earnings | 9.60 | 9.70 | 7.20 | 9.10 |
a. Percentiles are based on whole dollars only.