Gross Value of Irrigated Agricultural Production

This release has ceased

This publication contains final Gross Value of Irrigated Agricultural Production (GVIAP) estimates for Australia

Reference period
2017-18 financial year

Main features

Gross Value of Irrigated Agricultural Production

In 2017-18, total Gross Value of Irrigated Agricultural Production (GVIAP) increased to $17.7 billion (up 14%).

The four commodities with the highest GVIAP were:

  • Fruit and nuts (excluding grapes) at $4.2 billion (up 20%)
  • Vegetables at $3.4 billion (up 3%)
  • Cotton at $2.3 billion (up 52%); and
  • Dairy products at $2.2 billion (up 37%).

Combined, these four commodities accounted for 69% of total GVIAP for the 2017-18 year.

  1. Cotton lint only

The states with the highest values of GVIAP:

  • Victoria ($4.9 billion)
  • Queensland ($4.5 billion) and
  • New South Wales ($4.4 billion).

GVIAP for the Murray Darling Basin region increased 20% to $8.6 billion.

Data downloads

Gross value of irrigated agricultural production - Australia

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 4610.0.55.008.

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