731231 Paper and Pulp Production Operator
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
731231 Paper and Pulp Production Operator
Operates machinery in a paper and pulp processing facility to process pulp and manufacture paper and pulp products, such as paper sheets, and paper or cardboard packaging.
Alternative title
- Paper and Pulp Machine Operator
Skill level: 4
Main tasks
- Operates and adjusts the settings of paper and pulp production machinery to ensure consistent output as per the specifications
- Loads raw materials and chemicals into plant equipment to make and bleach pulp
- Operates machinery such as blenders, agitators and driers to process, sample, wash and blend pulp
- Transfers pulp to storage tanks and operates machinery to agitate pulp to maintain consistency
- Loads pulp and additives such as dye into paper making equipment or machines, and operates machinery to make paper and pulp products
- Monitors and controls the flow of materials throughout the pulp and paper making process
- Operates drier and calendar rolls, and imparts gloss and coating mixtures to paper or paper products