591138 Transport Revenue Officer
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
591138 Transport Revenue Officer
Enforces public transport regulations, ensures fare compliance, and monitors safety on public transport networks.
Alternative title
- Authorised Transport Officer
Skill level: 5
Main tasks
- Conducts regular ticket inspections on public transport to ensure passengers have valid tickets and concession entitlements, and may issue fines to those without
- Provides assistance and information to passengers regarding ticketing options, routes and schedules, including during special events and service disruptions
- Monitors for potential safety or security threats, or suspicious behaviour on public transport networks, and may issue fines for disruptive or unsafe behaviour
- Collaborates with law enforcement agencies to address fare evasion issues and ensure passenger safety
- Maintains accurate records and documentation of fare evasion incidents, fines issued, and other relevant information