272132 Network Administrator
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
272132 Network Administrator
Installs and maintains hardware and software, implements, monitors and optimises network environments and infrastructure, documents diagnosis and resolution of network-related incidents, manages network security, and attends to other operational tasks. May also perform tasks such as help desk technical support and user training.
Alternative titles
- Network Specialist
- Network Support
Skill level: 1
Main tasks
- Monitors, maintains and optimises network environments and infrastructure
- Coordinates, installs and maintains computer software and hardware
- Implements, maintains, improves and audits security measures to ensure network security
- Troubleshoots and provides technical support for network-related incidents
- Reviews and updates policies, procedures and documentation relating to network design, infrastructure and security
- Coordinates backup management of all local resources to prevent loss of information