
251431 Special Education Teacher

Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0

251431 Special Education Teacher

Teaches academic and living skills to early childhood, primary and secondary school students with particular learning difficulties using various techniques, and promotes students' social, emotional, intellectual and physical development.

Registration or licensing is required.

Specialist Teachers (Vision Impairment) and Teachers of the Deaf are excluded from this occupation. Specialist Teachers (Vision Impairment) are included in Occupation 251432 Specialist Teacher (Vision Impairment). Teachers of the Deaf are included in Occupation 251433 Teacher of the Deaf.

Skill level: 1

Main tasks

  • Assesses students' abilities and limitations with regard to intellectual, sensory, physical, social and emotional disabilities, or specific problems of language and culture
  • Develops and implements individualised learning, behaviour and wellbeing plans to maximise students' growth
  • Teaches students with physical, social, intellectual, emotional and linguistic needs
  • Enhances student engagement through enriched differentiated and individualised learning programs
  • Administers various forms of assessment and interprets the results
  • Prepares and maintains students' data, and records and submits reports as required
  • Advises, instructs and counsels parents and teachers on the availability and use of special techniques and therapies that benefit students' growth
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