
243235 Transport Engineer

Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0

243235 Transport Engineer

Plans, designs and develops transport systems to optimise infrastructure efficiency, safety, and the cost effectiveness of moving people and freight.

Registration or licensing may be required.

Rail Engineers are excluded from this occupation. Rail Engineers are included in Occupation 243233 Rail Engineer.


  • Traffic Engineer

Skill level: 1

Main tasks

  • Designs, plans and evaluates transportation systems or parts of systems, such as highways, urban transit, ports, rail and airports
  • Analyses traffic data to identify and predict future travel flow patterns, and conducts studies to determine the feasibility and costs of transportation projects
  • Researches and analyses existing transport systems to identify needs and issues, and plans modifications to improve safety
  • Uses computer models to simulate transport problems to identify suitable engineering solutions
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