ASCED - ISCED97 Level Correspondence Table

Latest release
Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED)
Reference period
Next release Unknown
First release
9Other Education-No correspondence.
8Pre-Primary Education0Pre-primary education.
7Primary Education1Primary education or first stage of basic education.
62Junior Secondary Education2AProgrammes designed to prepare students for direct access to ISCED 3A or 3B which are the subcategories of Level 3 earmarked for providing access to tertiary education.
61Senior Secondary Education3AProgrammes designed to provide direct access to ISCED 5A, which is the type of tertiary education that enables the students to gain entry into advanced research or highly skilled professions.
524-525Certificate I Level2CProgrammes that are 'terminal' and are primarily meant to provide direct access to the labour market.
521-523Certificate II Level2CProgrammes that are 'terminal' and are primarily meant to provide direct access to the labour market.
514-516Certificate III Level3CProgrammes designed to lead directly to the labour market or entry into ISCED level 4 programmes or even other ISCED level 3 programmes.
511-513Certificate IV Level4BProgrammes that do not provide access to tertiary education (ISCED 5A or 5B), but are designed primarily for direct entry into the labour market.
42Diploma Level5BProgrammes which are practical/technical/occupationally specific.
41Advanced Diploma and Associate Degree Level5BProgrammes which are practical/technical/occupationally specific.
3Bachelor Degree Level5AProgrammes which are largely theoretically based/research preparatoy or which provide access to professions with high skills requirements.
2Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate Level5AProgrammes which are largely theoretically based/research preparatoy or which provide access to professions with high skills requirements.
12Master Degree Level5AProgrammes which are largely theoretically based/research preparatoy or which provide access to professions with high skills requirements
11Doctoral Degree Level6Second stage of tertiary education (leading to an advanced research qualification)


According to the Operational Manual for ISCED - 1997, the levels under which educational programmes can be classified according to ISCED - 1997 are shown below (UNESCO Institute for Statisics 1999):

Level 0Pre-primary education
Level 1Primary education or First stage of basic education
Level 2Lower secondary or Second stage of basic education
Level 3Upper secondary education
Level 4Post-secondary non-tertiary education
Level 5First stage of tertiary education (not leading directly to an advanced research qualification)
Level 6Second stage of tertiary education (leading to an advanced research qualification)
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