How search works

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ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations
Reference period

Classification search

The classification search will appear above the content on each page of a classification. Search results will be based on partial or exact matches of classification codes, occupation titles, alternative titles, specialisations or related synonyms to the term that a user enters
For example:

  • a search for the word 'manager' will return every result where 'manager' appears in the occupation title, alternative title or specialisation - manager, managers, farmers and farm managers etc.
  • a search for the number '13' will return every result where '13' is used in the Code field- 131, 1330, 2213 etc. 

The search results will be displayed in code order on a separate page. Each result will display the Code and Title as a link to the corresponding page.

Multipage search

Under the "Sections" heading in the left navigation menu, the multipage search tool is available. This search tool provides a generic search of all content within this product.  
Each search result will contain:

  • Section title - will link to the page
  • Page title
  • Sentence preview - searched term will be bold

The search results will be displayed on a separate page and ordered by relevance.

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