Release calendar

Future release - August 2024

August 2024

The next 6 months of future releases are available. Release dates may change. All times are in Canberra time.

International Trade in Goods

Statistics about international trade in goods and services, on a balance of payments and international trade basis

Statistics about international trade in goods and services, on a balance of payments and international trade basis

Reference period Jun

International Trade Price Indexes, Australia

Indexes measuring changes in prices of merchandise landed in Australia (Import Price Index) and shipped from Australia (Export Price Index)

Indexes measuring changes in prices of merchandise landed in Australia (Import Price Index) and shipped from Australia (Export Price Index)

Reference period June 2024

Monthly Household Spending Indicator

Experimental indicator of household spending using banks transaction data

Experimental indicator of household spending using banks transaction data

Reference period June 2024

Producer Price Indexes, Australia

Contains a range of producer price indexes in the Australian economy, comprising mining, manufacturing, construction and service industries

Contains a range of producer price indexes in the Australian economy, comprising mining, manufacturing, construction and service industries

Reference period June Quarter 2024

Lending Indicators

New borrower-accepted finance commitments for housing, personal and business loans

New borrower-accepted finance commitments for housing, personal and business loans

Reference period June 2024

Selected Living Cost Indexes, Australia

The Living Cost Indexes (LCIs) are designed to measure the impact of price change on the disposable incomes of selected household types.

The Living Cost Indexes (LCIs) are designed to measure the impact of price change on the disposable incomes of selected household types.

Reference period June 2024

Monthly Business Turnover Indicator

Experimental indicator of business turnover derived from monthly Business Activity Statements

Experimental indicator of business turnover derived from monthly Business Activity Statements

Reference period June 2024

Wage Price Index, Australia

The WPI measures wage inflation and includes statistics about price change for wages and salaries.

The WPI measures wage inflation and includes statistics about price change for wages and salaries.

Reference period June 2024
| Updated information

Characteristics of Australian Business

Upcoming changes to the Characteristics of Australian Business release schedule

Upcoming changes to the Characteristics of Australian Business release schedule

Reference period 2021-22 financial year
| First release

Public Consultation Review of the Business Characteristics Survey

This consultation seeks feedback on the Business Characteristics Survey (innovation and digital activities)

This consultation seeks feedback on the Business Characteristics Survey (innovation and digital activities)

Reference period August - October 2024

Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits

Counts of actively trading businesses, rates of entry to and exit from the market sector of the Australian economy, and rates of business survival…

Counts of actively trading businesses, rates of entry to and exit from the market sector of the Australian economy, and rates of business survival

Reference period July 2020 - June 2024

Monthly Consumer Price Index indicator

The monthly CPI indicator is a measure of inflation and contains statistics about price change for categories of household expenditure.

The monthly CPI indicator is a measure of inflation and contains statistics about price change for categories of household expenditure.

Reference period July 2024

Private New Capital Expenditure and Expected Expenditure, Australia

Quarterly statistics about actual and expected private new capex investment spend on buildings and equipment by industry.

Quarterly statistics about actual and expected private new capex investment spend on buildings and equipment by industry.

Reference period June 2024
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