Public sector employment and earnings methodology

Latest release
Reference period
2022-23 financial year


Public Sector Employment and Earnings (PSEE) is a measure of the employment and cash wages and salaries in the public sector. PSEE presents the number of public sector employees who worked during June, and the cash wages and salaries paid for the full financial year.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) receives payroll information from employers with Single Touch Payroll (STP) enabled payroll and accounting software, each time the employer runs its payroll. The ATO provides selected employer and job level data items from the STP system to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to produce statistics. The estimates for PSEE are derived using the STP data.

The STP sourced PSEE was first published in November 2023 and replaces the previous source of this public sector data, the Survey of Employment and Earnings. For further information see Data source comparison, SEE & PSEE, below.

Collecting the data

Scope and Coverage

The scope of PSEE is active employing businesses and organisations in the Australian public sector. The population is represented in the form of a frame drawn from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Business Register (ABSBR). The ABSBR is primarily based on Australian Business Number (ABN) registrations to the Australian Business Register, which is managed by the ATO. To ensure alignment with other ABS economic indicators, PSEE takes its population snapshot (which statisticians usually refer to as a ‘frame’) on an annual basis.

Not all employing businesses report to STP regularly and the use of a frame and other statistical methods enable employees and cash wages and salaries to be estimated for all employing businesses and organisations. 

An annual frame is used to maintain a contemporary view of businesses, ensuring that new businesses, changes in business structures and characteristics (such as industry and employment size) are as up to date as possible. Employer characteristics are refreshed with each annual frame. When changes in the characteristics of businesses such as industry, state and territory and/or size occur, there may be some visible impacts due to differences between each annual June quarter frame.

Reference period

Although earnings estimates relate to the full twelve months of the financial year, employment estimates relate to June of the given year. As a result, estimates of wages and salaries per person employed may be affected by any fluctuations in employment during the reference period. Given these differences, the ABS does not recommend using these components together to calculate average earnings. 

Statistical Units

The businesses on the ABSBR are separated using a two-population model. The two populations are known as the profiled population and the non-profiled population. The main distinction between businesses in the two populations relates to the complexity of the business structure, diversity of the activities undertaken and the degree of maintenance required to reflect the business structure for statistical purposes. 

Non-profiled population

Profiled population

In PSEE, the statistical unit that captures the employing activity consists of ABNs from the non-profiled population and TAUs from the profiled population. Each statistical unit is classified to its state or territory, industry and public sector according to information sourced from the ABSBR.

State and territory geography reflects a business’ employing locations, not the residential address of their employees.

Defining cash wages and salaries, and employees

Employment, and cash wages and salaries included in this indicator are based on the Australian System of National Accounts 2008 and the Australian Conceptual Framework for Measures of Employee Remuneration.

The STP reported employees are processed to count the number of employees that were paid in the month of June of the reference year. 

The STP reported cash wages and salaries, over the whole financial year, are in scope of these estimates. Wages are gross amounts, prior to taxation and deductions and include:

  • salary payments and allowances,
  • labour hire payments and foreign income,
  • lumps sum payments for leave entitlements,
  • bonuses where they are reported in the same field as normal payments.

More specifically, the following STP reported income items are included in the production of wages estimates:

  • gross income amount (including bonuses),
  • allowance income,
  • other income (not specified),
  • foreign income amount including tax exempt income,
  • Community Development Employment Project income.

One of the components of cash wages and salaries is salary sacrifice. STP phase 1 data has some limitations and is not able to provide a complete measure of salary sacrifice. As such, until STP phase 2 data is mature enough to use, salary sacrifice amounts will be modelled using other available ABS data. The current modelling approach uses the annual ratio of salary sacrifice to cash wages and salaries to estimate the salary sacrifice amounts. The annual ratio is derived by applying the annual movement of the Average Weekly Earnings (AWE)'s ratio to the last SEE cycle's ratio.

Processing the data

The STP data are received in the form of millions of transactions of employer payments to employees. The ABS applies a series of transformations to this data to facilitate its use for statistical purposes.

The ATO provides STP transactions to the ABS on a weekly basis. Transactions are generally for payments of wages and salaries for a defined pay cycle period reported in the week. Weekly data can contain data for other forms of payments or corrections to previously reported transactions. Submissions of STP vary from employer to employer based on pay cycle frequency and reporting arrangements of individual employers, however, most report at the time the payroll is run. There can be reporting lags and other events that can affect regular employer reporting, which can result in revisions.



Creating statistical unit level data


Creation of aggregates




Data release

Summary of outputs

Each release contains level estimates for financial year reference periods. Estimates are available for national, state and territory, Australian and New Zealand Standard Industry Classification (ANZSIC) division, level of government and public sector, as outlined in Standard Economic Sector Classifications of Australia.

In this release, data received around 6 weeks after the end of financial year have been used to produce the estimates for the reference period.


Legislative requirements to ensure privacy and secrecy of this data have been adhered to. In accordance with the Census and Statistics Act 1905, results have been confidentialised to ensure that they are not likely to enable identification of a particular person or organisation.

All personal information is handled in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988. For more information, see ABS Privacy.

Input into the Australian National Accounts

Estimates of employee remuneration from PSEE for the public sector are one of the inputs into the gross domestic product component of the Australian National Accounts, specifically "compensation of employees" estimates. The private sector component of compensation of employees estimates is provided by the Quarterly Business Indicators Survey which is published in Business Indicators, Australia. For further details see Australian System of National Accounts: Concepts, Sources and Methods. Data are also used by federal and state departments and other analysts to monitor employment and earnings trends in the public sector and to assist in developing and reviewing earnings and labour market policies.

Acknowledgement of source

These estimates are based on Australian Business Register (ABR) data supplied by the Registrar to the ABS under A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999 and tax data supplied by the ATO to the ABS under the Taxation Administration Act 1953. These require that such data is only used for the purpose of carrying out functions of the ABS. No individual information collected under the Census and Statistics Act 1905 is provided back to the Registrar or ATO for administrative or regulatory purposes. Any discussion of data limitations or weaknesses is in the context of using the data for statistical purposes and is not related to the ability of the data to support the ABR or ATO’s core operational requirements.

The ABS would like to acknowledge the critical support from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) in enabling the ABS to produce these statistics.

History of changes

Data source comparison, SEE & PSEE

History of changes


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