Updating ANZSCO commences in March 2021

Media Release

The ABS is working with several Australian Government Agencies to progress a targeted update of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupation (ANZSCO).  

Consultation has progressed well and there is now necessary support and resourcing for ABS to immediately commence a program of work.  A phased approach is being taken in line with partners’ priority areas.  These comprise occupations associated with:

  • agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
  • cyber security
  • naval ship building

The targeted update of these priority areas will be undertaken during 2021 and inform development of a new approach to updating the ANZSCO. It will test the feasibility of achieving incremental changes and allow the classification to reflect rapid changes in labour markets.  Stats New Zealand are still considering to what extent they can be involved in this work and ABS will provide an updated statement when this is known.

Other priority areas, such as selected occupations associated with engineering and construction and health will be reviewed using the new approach during 2021-22.  The new approach to updating the ANZSCO will allow the ABS to be more responsive to changes in the labour market and the needs of stakeholders.   It will also enable production of data which is more relevant, whilst maintaining the ability for users to analyse trends over time. 

More detailed information outlining the scope of this program of work, key deliverables and timeframes will be released in the coming weeks.

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