ABS image library
Access official images related to our ABS media spokespeople
ABS spokespeople are available for interview upon request. Please email media@abs.gov.au or call 1300 175 070 to request an interview.
These photos may only be used in conjunction with a quote provided by the identified spokesperson.
Dr David Gruen AO, Australian Statistician

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Jacqui Vitas, ABS head of macroeconomic statistics

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Michelle Marquardt, ABS head of prices statistics

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Bjorn Jarvis, ABS head of labour statistics

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Emily Walter, ABS head of demography

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Terms and conditions
The photos may only be used in the publication of news or current affairs relating to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
Photos of ABS spokespeople are only for publication when quoting the individual in a story.
When using photos, you must include the following credit format near the photo or in the production credits Identified spokespeople name and title followed by "Image source: Australian Bureau of Statistics".
They should not be used for any other commercial purposes such as marketing, advertising, brochures, sales materials or websites without prior written consent from the ABS.
They should not be altered or edited in any way other than to crop the images in the normal course to meet formatting requirements.
All intellectual property rights in the photos remain with the ABS.
No permission is granted to use trademarks of the ABS apart from the incidental appearance of such trademarks in the photograph(s)/imagery provided.