Insights into hours worked, April 2023


As Labour Force hours worked data are returning to normal patterns, the ABS will cease publishing insights into hours worked after the April 2023 publication. The data cubes EM2a and EM2b will continue to be published with the release of headline estimates until the end of the winter months in 2023 (exact timing to be confirmed) to enable more detailed analysis of changes in hours worked and the reasons that people are working reduced or no hours.

The ABS will continue to monitor changes in hours worked and provide additional analysis when relevant.

Key findings

Hours worked increased by 49.5 million hours (2.6 per cent) in seasonally adjusted terms between March and April 2023 (following a 0.3 per cent increase between February 2023 and March 2023), and employment decreased by 4,300 people (-0.0 per cent) over the same period.

Chart 1 shows a rise in hours worked in April and a slight decrease in employment. Both the hours worked and employment series have exceeded their pre-pandemic levels, with hours increasing 11.6 per cent and employment increasing 6.9 per cent since March 2020. The steady growth in employment and even stronger growth in hours worked shows the consistent tightness in the labour market.

Source: Labour Force, Australia Tables 1 and 19

In this article, all data in original terms is presented back to April 2015 as this is the best direct comparison for the Easter holiday period falling wholly within the April reference period. In April 2023 the reference period commenced Sunday 2 April and easter Friday was 7 April. In April 2015 the reference commenced Sunday 29 March 2015 and Easter Friday was 3 April. Frequently State School holidays fall around the easter period. The school holiday period commenced on Easter Friday in 2015 and 2023 in most states.

People working fewer hours than usual due to all reasons

Chart 2 shows the proportion of employed people working fewer hours than usual for all reasons increased between March and April 2023. The proportion in April was 55.0 per cent, this is lower than the last comparable period, April 2015, where 59.8 per cent of people worked fewer hours.

Source: Labour Force, Australia Data Cube EM2a and Table 1

People working fewer hours than usual for selected reasons

Chart 3 shows the proportion of employed people working fewer hours than usual for selected reasons was lower in April 2023 than April 2015.

Source: Labour Force, Australia Data Cube EM2a and Table 1

People working fewer hours than usual due to annual leave, holidays, flextime or long service leave

Chart 4 shows the proportion of employed people working fewer hours due to annual leave, holidays, flextime or long service leave increased sharply between March and April. In April 2023 this was 37.0%, lower than April 2015 when 44.5% of employed people worked fewer hours.

Source: Labour Force, Australia Data Cube EM2a and Table 1

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