Disclosure log

The information in this register has been released by the ABS under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and is available for public access.

Information that is not available on our website may be obtained by contacting us. A charge may be imposed to reimburse the ABS for the cost incurred in copying or reproducing the information or sending it to you. There will be no charge for the time spent by the ABS in processing the FOI request that led to this information being made available. You will be notified if any charge is payable and required to pay the charge before the information is provided. 

There may be documents in the disclosure log that are currently not available in html format. If you are unable to read the format provided please contact the ABS at freedomofinformation@abs.gov.au. We will try to meet all reasonable requests for an alternate format of the document in a timely manner and at the lowest reasonable cost to you. 


Disclosure log 2024/02

Date of access:

19 July 2024

Date of publication:

24 July 2024

Summary of request: 

Documents relating to baseline decisions regarding the Provisional Mortality data

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to PDF download below

Other information:



Disclosure log 2024/01

Date of access:

29 April 2024

Date of publication:

09 May 2024

Summary of request: 

Documents relating to the planning of the 1 April 2024 social media post

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to PDF download below

Other information:




Disclosure log 2023/07

Date of access:

25 October 2023

Date of publication:

08 November 2023

Summary of request: 

Documents relating to employee details of the entire TSD cohort: full names, titles, and salaries.

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to PDF download below

Other information:



Disclosure log 2023/06

Date of access:

25 October 2023

Date of publication:

08 November 2023

Summary of request: 

Documents in relation to the Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used for the Australian Bureau of Statistics

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to PDF download below

Other information:



Disclosure log 2023/05

Date of access:

10 July 2023

Date of publication:

24 July 2023

Summary of request: 

Documents in relation to:

- ABS participation in the Australian Workplace Equality Index; and

- Statistical collection advice received by the ABS from ACON regarding sex, gender, gender identity, sexuality, sexual orientation, variations in sexual development, and similar.

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to PDF download below

Other information:



Disclosure log 2023/04

Date of access:

29 June 2023

Date of publication:

07 July 2023

Summary of request: 

Documents sent by ABS Senior Executive Staff regarding the re-branding of The Bureau of Meteorology to 'The Bureau'

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to PDF download below

Other information:



Disclosure log 2023/03

Date of access:

28 February 2023

Date of publication:

09 March 2023

Summary of request: 

Documents in relation to a former ABS dataset, the Apparent Consumption of Foodstuffs

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to PDF download below

Other information:



Disclosure log 2023/02

Date of access:

2 February 2023

Date of publication:

13 February 2023

Summary of request: 

All information in relation to a survey exemption request, including the exemption policy, and any associated processes used to evaluate an exemption request  

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to PDF download below

Other information:



Disclosure log 2023/01

Date of access:

23 January 2023

Date of publication:

30 January 2023

Summary of request: 

The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates briefing pack, including back pocket briefs, for the 2022 October and November Budget Estimates

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to PDF download below

Other information:




Disclosure log number: 2022/06

Date of access:

26 July 2022

Date of publication:

29 July 2022

Summary of request: 

Documents regarding the inclusion or non-inclusion of topics in the 2021 Census

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to attached documents

Other information:


Disclosure log number: 2022/05

Date of access:

06 July 2022

Date of publication:

13 July 2022

Summary of request: 

Sample copies of the 2016 and 2021 Census paper forms, including all instructions on how to fill out the questionnaires.

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to attached documents

Other information:


Disclosure log number: 2022/04

Date of access:

26 May 2022

Date of publication:

03 June 2022

Summary of request: 

Documents regarding the inclusion of defence service, long-term/chronic health conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity, or intersex status in the 2021 Census.

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to attached documents

Other information:


Disclosure log number: 2022/03

Date of access:

17 March 2022

Date of publication:

23 March 2022

Summary of request: 

Documents relating to the classification of TAHE

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to attached documents

Other information:


Disclosure log number: 2022/02

Date of access:

19 January 2022

Date of publication:

25 January 2022

Summary of request: 

Documents relating to how the ABS process an FOI charge.

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to attached documents

Other information:


Disclosure log number: 2022/01

Date of access:

11 January 2022

Date of publication:

19 January 2022

Summary of request: 

A request seeking documents relating to Covid-19 statistics, vaccinations and guidelines.

Summary of information provided:

Please refer to attached documents

Other information:



25 November 2021

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

25 November 2021


All correspondence between the ABS and any NSW Government agency relating to the RailCorp or the Transport Asset Holding Entity.
Between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2016, 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018 and 1 January 2021 until 13 August 2021


FOI_11 October 2021.pdf
FOI_25 November 2021.pdf

Other information:

FOI_25 Nov 2021 Additional documentation for release

Data files

11 October 2021

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

11 October 2021


Documents relating to the 2021 Census concerning:
1.Information/data breaches involving ABS;
2.Cyber crime involving information held by ABS;
3.Online census’ being compromised;
4.Staff official misconduct which were not unsubstantiated.


FOI_11 October 2021.pdf

Other information:

19 July 2021

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

19 July 2021


A request regarding COVID-19 mortality, including the procedures in place that ensure that death certificates have accurate information listed regarding pre-existing medical conditions.


FOI_19 July 2021.pdf

Other information:

07 April 2021

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

07 April 2021


Specified correspondence during the period 1 November 2019 to 10 January 2020, which refer to 'ancestry' as it relates to Norfolk Island.


FOI_07 April 2021.pdf

Other information:

02 March 2021

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

02 March 2021


Specified correspondence during the period 1 November 2019 through 31 December 2019, in relation to Norfolk Island ancestry as measured in the 2016 Census.


FOI_02 March 2021.pdf

Other information:

02 February 2021

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

02 February 2021


Correspondence between the ABS and PwC about issues and impacts with delivery of the Census project.


FOI_02 Feb 2021.pdf

Other information:


18 December 2020

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

18 December 2020


Documents referring to or relating to the numbers of all coded/ confirmed/ reported/ recorded Covid-19 deaths in Victoria this year.


FOI_18 December 2020.pdf

Other information:

15 December 2020

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

15 December 2020


Correspondence relating to Robinvale Population Determination: Briefing Paper, provided by the Swan Hill Rural City Council to the ABS.


FOI_15 Dec 2020.pdf

Other information:

04 December 2020

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

04 December 2020


Documents concerning alternative attempts to source data about the macadamia industry, and the selection of macadamia orchards in ABS surveys.


FOI_04 Dec 2020.pdf
FOI_04 Jan 2021.pdf

Other information:

FOI_04 Jan 2021 Additional documentation for release

Data files

30 November 2020

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

30 November 2020


Documents relating to the contract for Computer Services awarded to Macquarie Telecom Pty Limited by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.


FOI_30 November 2020.pdf
FOI_05 Jan 2021.pdf

Other information:

FOI_05 Jan 2021 Additional documentation for release

Data files

21 October 2020

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

21 October 2020


A request for unredacted copies of documents 2 and 3 as released in the FOI decision of 25 September 2020 (FOI202021-06), which requested analysis of bimodal income distribution relating to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s Capacity to Contribute Data Integration Project.


FOI_21 Oct 2020.pdf

Other information:

25 September 2020

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

25 September 2020


A request for documents relating to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s Capacity to Contribute project which show ABS's finding that there was no evidence of bimodal income distributions.


FOI_25 Sept 2020.pdf

Other information:

24 July 2020

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

24 July 2020


A request for all communication and documents regarding the market research conducted by Taylor Nelson Sofres Australia. As outlined in this tender -  https://www.tenders.gov.au/Cn/Show/705c3dcc-bab4-43ab-b873-7308840fddab


FOI_24 July 2020_2.pdf

Other information:

24 July 2020

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

24 July 2020


A request for all communication and documents regarding the market research conducted by Taylor Nelson Sofres Aust Pty Ltd T/A Kantar Public. As outlined in this tender - https://www.tenders.gov.au/Cn/Show/5b16812d-8820-4d91-8c77-1ed975c18e14


FOI_24 July 2020_1.pdf

Other information:

21 May 2020

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

21 May 2020


A request for documents brought into existence in the period since the date on which the World Health Organisation declared the SARS-COV-2 (Covid-19) global pandemic, to date:

- All documents recording any decision made by the Statistician pursuant to section 9 of the Census and Statistics Act 1905 (CS Act) to collect statistical information in the form of the “Monthly Population Survey” (as the term is used in ABS document AB5882894).
- All documents recording any decision made by the Statistician or any other employee or contractor engaged on behalf of the Australian Bureau of Statistics, including but not limited to David Waymouth, Program Director, National Data Acquisition Centre, to:
  - select 20 households in a “neighbourhood” for participation in the “Monthly Population Survey” (as those terms are used in ABS document AB5882894); and/or
  - select 20 households in the City of Fremantle, Western Australia, 6160 as “a neighbourhood” for the purposes of participation in the “Monthly Population Survey” (as those terms are used in ABS document AB5882894).
- All documents that record the authority under which the Statistician can require the on-line completion of a survey issued under the authority of a notice issued under 10(4) or 11(2) of the CS Act.
- All documents recording any legal advice obtained on the question of whether the offence provisions in section 14 of the CS Act can be validly engaged if a notice issued under 10(4) or 11(2) of the CS Act directs a person to answer a question by on-line completion of a survey.


FOI _21 May 2020.pdf

Other information:

23 January 2020

Disclosure log number:


Release date:

23 January 2020


A request for all information considered in making the assessment 'I am satisfied that the ABS has not breached its privacy obligations', including but not limited to:
- all communication between ABS officers used in consideration of my emails of 14 November 2019 and 8 December 2019.
- any ABS or contracted parties assessment of the ABS' Monthly Population Survey in relation to the Privacy APP Code 2017 and Privacy Act requirements.


FOI_23 January 2020.pdf

Other information:

Prior to 2020

For documents prior to 2020 see Disclosure log - Prior to 2020 page.

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