Secure Environment for Analysing Data (SEAD) conditions of use  

Understand the expected behaviours that govern your access and use of SEAD

SEAD can be administered by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) or another Australian government organisation engaging the ABS to provide the SEAD service.

By accessing and using SEAD, you agree to abide by the administering organisation's relevant requirements and obligations, including the conditions outlined below. If you cannot abide by these conditions, your use of the system is to cease immediately.

Unless specified, each condition pertains to either organisation administering SEAD. 

By using SEAD, I agree:  

  1. To adhere to all access, usage, security and other procedural guidelines within SEAD as directed by the administering organisation.   
  2. To take all necessary measures to protect the security of SEAD and the data held within, by safeguarding my access credentials and promptly notifying the administering organisation of any security incidents or procedural failures.      
  3. To adhere, where applicable, to the administering organisation's directions and ABS system constraints.     
  4. To the possibility that the ABS may discuss my registration and access with the administering organisation, who have the authority to remove my access.    
  5. To comply with the ABS conditions of sale
  6. To use and operate SEAD in compliance with the relevant operating manuals and documentation.    
  7. To not remove or attempt to remove content from SEAD by any means, including extracting or copying material by screen capture, handwritten notes, or transcription, without obtaining written approval from the administering organisation.    
  8. To uphold the integrity of ABS intellectual property by not removing, obscuring, or altering any ABS attributions, including logos, legal notices, or other labels visible in SEAD.    
  9. To not attempt to load code, software or applications without seeking the appropriate authorisation from the ABS.     
  10. To cooperate with any audit or investigation initiated by the ABS or administering organisation that pertains to any matter concerning SEAD.   

I acknowledge that:   

  1. My use of SEAD may be audited by the administering organisation and the ABS.    
  2. SEAD is authorised for use only within Australia unless prior written authorisation has been provided by the ABS.     
  3. A breach of these conditions may result in sanctions which may include, but are not limited to, the ABS revoking my access to SEAD permanently or for a set period.    
  4. The ABS will not provide guidance on how to conduct data analysis, modelling or how to utilise the statistical tools available.     
  5. Features and functionality of SEAD may undergo necessary changes or upgrades without user consultation.    
  6. The ABS does not guarantee, or accept any legal liability arising from, or connected to the use of material connected within, or derived from SEAD. 

Expected behaviours:  

  1. Comply with the protocols and instructions of the administering organisation for access and use of microdata in SEAD.     
  2. Access only the microdata I have been approved to access.     
  3. Not attempt to avoid, override, or bypass the system or procedures.    
  4. Request output clearance through the administering organisation’s authorised administrators in all instances.    
  5. Maintain data confidentiality when submitting outputs for review.    
  6. Notify the administering organisation of any suspected activities that may impact the security of SEAD.   

Remote access:

Remote access within Australia is permitted under the following conditions:       

  1. SEAD must only be accessed from a work or private location.     
  2. A secure internet connection must be used:     
    • A secure internet connection means any wired or Wi-Fi connection that is password protected (e.g., work, home, your hotel room, hotspotting from your phone).  
    • A non-secure internet connection means an open or public connection (e.g., a restaurant/cafe, airport, public transport, hotel lobby or shopping centre).    
  3. Overseas access to SEAD is not permitted unless approved by the ABS.     
  4. Do not use any type of internal messaging system which may have external server connections.     


The ABS privacy policy and SEAD Privacy Impact Assessment  outline how the ABS handles any personal information that you provide to us.   

The ABS Privacy Policy for Managing and Operating Our Business outlines how we handle personal information that is collected for managing and operating within the ABS.   

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