Participate in ANZSCO consultations
Information about the comprehensive review of ANZSCO and public consultation feedback process.
Consultation rounds 1, 2 and 3 held across 2023 have now concluded. We will be seeking feedback on the proposed changes that form the draft classification from 25 July to 6 September 2024 through the ABS Consultation Hub.
Preliminary proposed changes for Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3 are available for information.
We would like to extend our appreciation to everyone who provided a submission in previous rounds and encourage everyone to consider providing feedback in the final consultation round.
The ABS is undertaking a comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) to reflect the contemporary labour market and better meet stakeholders’ needs. While ANZSCO has previously had some minor updates, it largely describes the original 2006 version, which was based on the 2001 labour market.
Updates to the classification will be reflected progressively in official labour market statistics from August 2026, including Labour Force time series to improve visibility of new and emerging occupations. The updated classification will be released in December 2024, in time for use by 2026 Census.
Learn more about ANZSCO and the comprehensive review.
Public consultation schedule 2023-2024
Three public consultation rounds were held in 2023 with each round targeting selected occupations. To conclude the consultation phase of the comprehensive review, the ABS will be inviting feedback on the complete set of proposed structural changes from 25 July 2024.
Learn more about ANZSCO and the comprehensive review.
This diagram shows the timeline of the ANZSCO public consultation process. The first three public consultation rounds have now closed with over 600 submissions received. Proposed occupation changes from rounds 1, 2 and 3 are released in June 2024. We will be seeking feedback on the structure of the proposed classification in July 2024. The updated classification will be released in December 2024.
Feedback Consultation Round 4
The final consultation round of the comprehensive review will begin on 25 July and will close on 6 September 2024. This round will provide the opportunity for users to reflect on the complete set of proposed changes and provide feedback to the ABS regarding the draft classification before it is finalised in December 2024.
While all feedback will be reviewed, this round of consultation will have a primary focus on the classification’s structure and useability. Feedback that is not able to be addressed in the final round of consultation will be considered as part of the maintenance strategy commencing in 2025.
The specific details of the structural changes have been determined as part of the review process, including input from stakeholders, industry experts, and relevant data analysis.
Types of changes to the structure proposed include:
- Movement of occupations into different groups in the hierarchy, to better align skill level or specialisation
- Splitting groups which represent large numbers of employed persons
- Merging groups which represent small numbers of employed persons
- Renumbering of codes used to represent occupations and groups.
Access further information guidance on providing feedback to inform the review.
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