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2011 Census data

Access 2011 Census data and products

Australia's 16th Census of Population and Housing was conducted on Tuesday 9 August 2011. Data from the 2011 Census is available through the following products.


Simple 'at a glance' summary information about people, families and dwellings for a selected geographic area.

To access data for 2011, select 2011 from the drop-down list in the QuickStats Search box.

Community Profiles

Detailed information about the characteristics of people, families and dwellings for a selected geographic area. Community Profiles are excellent tools for researching, planning, and analysing geographic areas for a number of social, economic and demographic variables.

To access data for 2011, select 2011 from the drop-down list in the Community Profiles Search box.

TableBuilder Basic 2011

An online tool that enables users to construct their own customised tables, graphs and maps of Census data.This product is available free of charge to registered users.

To register for TableBuilder Basic 2011 go to the Registration Centre. Once registered, users can log in from the TableBuilder page to access TableBuilder Basic 2011

TableBuilder Pro 2011

An advanced online tool that enables users to construct their own customised tables, graphs and maps of Census data. TableBuilder Pro 2011 provides access to nearly all variables available in the Census data, supporting a wide variety of cross-classified tables. TableBuilder Pro 2011 is a charged product available to registered users.

To register for TableBuilder Pro 2011 go to the Registration Centre. Once registered, users can log in from the TableBuilder page to access TableBuilder Pro 2011.

Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA)

Summary measures derived from 2011 Census data, about different aspects of socio-economic conditions by geographic area. SEIFA includes four indexes to allow ranking of regions and areas, providing a method of determining the level of social and economic well-being in each region.

2011 Census DataPacks

DataPacks are designed for clients who have existing databases or analysis systems, for example geographic information systems or other mapping and tabulation systems. DataPacks contain no software.

Census Sample File (CSF)

A comprehensive Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF) of 2011 Census characteristics, containing a 1% and 5% random sample of private dwellings and associated family and person records, and a small random sample of persons from non-private dwellings.

The 1% CURF is a Basic CSF available via CD-ROM, the Remote Access Data Laboratory (RADL) and an on-site lab service (ABSDL). The 5% CURF is an Expanded CSF which contains similar information to the Basic CSF except that some items are shown in more detail. The Expanded CSF is only available from RADL or the ABS DataLab

Reflecting a Nation, Stories from the 2011 Census

A compendium publication containing key Census information relating to persons, families and households. The Publication contains tables and graphs with analytical commentary about the statistics presented

Mesh Block Counts

Basic Census counts are available for Mesh Blocks. No other counts based on Mesh Block boundaries are available for the 2011 Census

Historical data

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For the latest information and statistics visit the ABS Website.