2016 communication campaign
Information on the 2016 Census Communication Campaign and data release
Every five years the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) undertakes a Census of Population and Housing, providing a ‘snapshot’ of the nation. For each Census, the ABS relies on the cooperation of the Australian people to achieve a comprehensive and accurate count of the Australian population and their dwellings. To ensure the successful implementation and completion of the Census, the ABS undertakes extensive communication and engagement activities to raise and maintain the levels of public awareness and participation. 2016 Census campaign advertisingTo make sure everyone in Australia understood the need to complete the Census on August 9, a mass media-led campaign was conducted, supported by public relations, the distribution of information material, and community engagement activities. Television, radio, print and digital ads were an important part of the campaign, reaching millions of Australians to remind them to get online on August 9 and complete the Census. These ads explained how the 2016 Census worked, and some of the ways in which Census data is used to improve all of our lives. Advertising covered all areas of Australia including metropolitan, regional, rural, isolated and remote areas. Television and radio advertisements
Campaign materials - Your moment to make a difference
Campaign Certification StatementAs outlined in the Guidelines on Information and Advertising Campaigns by Australian Government Departments and Agencies (March 2010), agency Chief Executives are required to certify that a campaign complies with the Guidelines and relevant government policies. The Chief Executive's certification statements are published online after the campaigns have launched. ABS 2016 Census campaign signed certification statement Campaign evaluationIndependent evaluation research and media analysis assessed the impact and outcomes of the 2016 Census campaign against its objectives. The findings from this evaluation research and analysis are outlined in these summary reports: Census 2016 Evaluation Campaign Research Media Analysis Report |