Audit and Risk Committee

The Australian Statistician has established the Audit and Risk Committee in accordance with Section 45 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act), and Section 17 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 (PGPA Rule).

The ABS Audit and Risk Committee's Charter sets out the functions of the Committee which include: reviewing the appropriateness of the Australian Statistician’s financial reporting; performance reporting; system of risk oversight and management; and system of internal control.

The Charter is reviewed annually by the Audit and Risk Committee and approved by the Australian Statistician.

Current Committee Charter:

Audit and Risk Committee Charter (2024-25)

Previous Committee Charters:

Audit and Risk Committee Charter (2023-24)

Audit and Risk Committee Charter (2022-23) updated March 2023

Audit and Risk Committee Charter (2022-23)

Audit and Risk Committee Charter (2021-22)

Audit Committee Charter (2020-21)

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