Forward Work Program

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ABS Corporate Plan
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ABS Forward Work Program

The Forward Work Program (FWP) provides the schedule of statistical releases over the next four years. This program does not include experimental estimates and research papers. This program is developed through extensive consultation with government, key stakeholders including users of statistics, other government organisations and a range of non-government organisations such as community groups and industry bodies.

The ABS reviews and makes changes to the FWP to ensure it continues to appropriately measure the Australian economy, environment, and society.

Statistical releases are classified into three tiers to assist with prioritising resources. This tiering was developed in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders.

Tier 1 

Statistics representing the foundation work of a national statistical organisation.

Tier 2

Important areas of statistics where there is a significant government outlay or where there is a significant public policy interest.

Tier 3

Other important statistical work currently undertaken to meet identified user requirements.

Year of release 
Release Tier2023-20242024-20252025-20262026-2027Release Frequency
Labour Market   
Average Weekly Earnings, Australia T1Six-monthly
Barriers and Incentives to Labour Force Participation, Australia T2Yearly
Characteristics of Employment, Australia
  • Employee earnings
  • Working arrangements
  • Trade union membership 
Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia T1  Two-yearly
Industrial Disputes, Australia T3Quarterly
Job Vacancies, Australia T2Quarterly
Jobs in Australia T2Yearly
Labour Account, Australia
  • Multiple jobholders
  • Labour hire workers
Labour Force Status of Families T2Yearly
Labour Force, Australia T1Monthly and Quarterly
Monthly Employee Earnings Indicator T2Six-monthly
Participation, Job Search and Mobility, Australia
  • Job mobility
  • Potential workers
  • Underemployed workers
Personal Income in Australia T3Yearly
Public Sector Employment and Earnings, Australia T1Yearly
Retirement and Retirement Intentions, Australia T2  Two-yearly
Weekly Payroll Jobs¹ T1Monthly
Work-Related Injuries T3   Four-yearly
Economic² ³
Australian Industry T1Yearly
Assets and Liabilities of Australian Securitisers T1Quarterly
Australian System of National Accounts T1Yearly
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position T1Quarterly
Building Activity and Engineering Construction T1Quarterly
Building Approvals T1Monthly
Business Characteristics T2Yearly
Construction Work Done, Preliminary T1Quarterly
Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits T1Yearly and Quarterly
Estimates of Industry Level KLEMS Multifactor Productivity T2Yearly
Estimates of Industry Multifactor Productivity T2Yearly
Finance and Wealth T1Quarterly
Government Finance Statistics T1Quarterly
Government Finance Statistics, Annual T2Yearly
Government Finance Statistics, Education⁴ T2Yearly
Input-Output Tables T1Yearly
International Investment Position, Australia: Supplementary Statistics T2Yearly
International Trade in Goods⁵ T1Monthly
International Trade: Supplementary Information, Calendar Year T2Yearly
International Trade: Supplementary Information, Financial Year T2Yearly
Lending Indicators T1Monthly
Managed Funds T1Quarterly
Mineral and Petroleum Exploration T2Quarterly
Modellers’ Database T3Quarterly
Monthly Business Turnover Indicator T2Monthly
Monthly Household Spending Indicator T2Monthly
National Income, Expenditure and Product T1Quarterly
Private New Capital Expenditure and Expected Expenditure T1Quarterly
Quarterly Business Indicators T1Quarterly
Research and Development Expenditure, Business T2  Two-yearly
Research and Development Expenditure, Higher Education T2  Two-yearly
Research and Development, Expenditure, Government and Private Non-Profit Organisations T2  Two-yearly
Retail Trade Survey T1Monthly
State Accounts T2Yearly
Supply Use Tables T1Yearly
Taxation Revenue, Australia T2Yearly
Price Indicators
Consumer Price Index T1Quarterly
Consumer Price Index Indicator T1Monthly
International Trade Price Indexes T1Quarterly
Producer Price Indexes T1Quarterly
Selected Living Cost Indexes T1Quarterly
Total Value of Dwellings T2Quarterly
Wage Price Index T1Quarterly
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Life Expectancy T2   Five-yearly
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population Estimates and Projections T2   Five-yearly
Australian Historical Population Statistics T3   Five-yearly
Births and Deaths T1Yearly and Quarterly
Causes of Death T2Yearly
Household and Family Projections T3   Five-yearly
Life Expectancy T1Yearly
Marriages and Divorces⁶ T3Yearly
Overseas Arrivals and Departures T1Monthly
Overseas Migration T1Yearly and Quarterly
Population by Country of Birth T2Yearly
Population Projections, Australia T2   Five-yearly
Provisional Mortality Statistics T2Two-monthly
Quarterly Estimated Resident Population by State/Territory (including components of growth) T1Quarterly
Regional Population Statistics T1Yearly
Environmental and Sectorial⁷
Agricultural Commodities T2Yearly
Australian Defence Industry Account T3   Irregular
Energy Account, Australia⁸ T2Yearly
National Land Account T2Yearly
National Ecosystem Account⁹ T3 Irregular
Tourism Satellite Account T2Yearly
Australian Transport Economic Account T3   Irregular
Value of Agricultural Commodities
Water Account, Australia T2Yearly
Social¹⁰ ¹¹ ¹²
Cultural and creative activities¹³ T3   Four-yearly
  • Prisoners
  • Criminal courts
  • Crime victimisation
  • Recorded crime
Disability, Ageing and Carers T2  Irregular
Education and Work, Australia T2Yearly
Gender Indicators T3Yearly
How Australians Use Their Time¹⁴ T1  Irregular
Migrant Settlement Outcomes¹⁵ T3Yearly
Intergenerational Health and Mental Health Study T1    Irregular
 National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing T1   Irregular
 National Health Survey 2022 T1   Irregular
 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey T1   Irregular
 National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey T1   Irregular
 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey T1   Irregular
 National Health Measures Survey T1   Irregular
National Health Survey T2   Three-yearly
Patient Experience T3Yearly
Personal Safety T3   Four-yearly
Qualifications and Work, Australia T3   Four-yearly
Sun Protection Measures T3   Irregular
Survey of Income and Housing T1   Irregular
Work-Related Training and Adult Learning, Australia T3   Four-yearly
Australian Longitudinal Census Dataset T2   Five-yearly
Population and Housing T1   Five-yearly
Post Enumeration Survey¹⁶ T1   Five-yearly
Data by Region T2Six-monthly



  1. The Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages release has become the Weekly Payroll Jobs release to reflect the removal of wages indexes. Earning statistics are now available in the new Monthly Employee Earnings Indicator.

  2. The Characteristics of Australian Exporters release listed in the ABS Corporate Plan 2022-23 has been discontinued. The release may be reinstated if user funding becomes available.

  3. The Australian National Accounts: Distribution of Household Income, Consumption and Wealth release has been delayed until the Living Costs in Australia Survey results are available.

  4. The Government Finance Statistics, Education release will be combined with the Government Finance Statistics, Annual release.

  5. The International Trade in Goods and Services release has become International Trade in Goods as the release will not contain estimates for monthly trade in services.

  6. From 2023-24, the Marriages and Divorces release will have reduced content to meet international reporting obligations.

  7. The Agricultural Census release listed in the ABS Corporate Plan 2022-23 has been discontinued. More information is provided in the Information Paper: Modernising ABS agricultural statistics which can be accessed on the ABS website.

  8. The Energy Use and Electricity Generation statistical release listed in the ABS Corporate Plan 2022-23 Is now included in the Energy Account, Australia publication.

  9. The survey will be released on a yearly basis from 2024-25.

  10. The General Social Survey release listed in the ABS Corporate Plan 2022-23 has been discontinued to resource the growth in new ABS services.

  11. The Australian Census Temporary Entrants Integrated Dataset listed in the ABS Corporate Plan 2022-23 for release in 2023-24 was released ahead of schedule (April 2023). As it is a five-yearly release it does not appear in this Forward Work Program.

  12. The Living Costs in Australia Survey release listed in the ABS Corporate Plan 2022-23 will now be released after the period of this Plan.

  13. The Attendance at Selected Cultural Venues and Events, Australia release listed in the ABS Corporate Plan 2022-23 is now combined in the Cultural and creative activities release.

  14. The survey will be released on a yearly basis from 2025-26.

  15. This release was listed as the Indicators of Migrant Outcomes release in the ABS Corporate Plan 2022-23.

  16. The Post Enumeration Survey is known to respondents as the Post Census Review; it is next due for release in 2026–27.

  17. The Australian Statistician's Analytical Series and the Australian Statistician's Technical Series are released irregularly and can be accessed on the ABS website.

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