Media release –
A snapshot of Perth – Census data to be released12 June 2012 | WA/53What makes Perth different? On 21 June the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) will release the first results of the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. In 2006 Census data showed that Perth had a total population of 1,445,078 and an average weekly rent of $180. 2011 Census data is now set to show how the city has changed over the past five years. Long since people filled their Census forms on 9 August last year, the ABS has been hard at work turning Perth’s 388,313 paper Census forms and 248,120 eCensus submissions into the data that will help shape the city’s future over the next five years. ABS Western Australian Regional Director, Jacky Hodges, said the ABS is encouraging everyone to make use of Australia’s richest source of statistical information. “Census data is available free online and can be used for a wide range of purposes. “It provides high level data on important topics such as populations, rents, mortgages, incomes, religion, languages, housing and more. “Many of people think Census data is just something used by Government to form policy and plan infrastructure, but it is also an invaluable tool used in many different ways by many different people,” Ms Hodges said. “Businesses, charities, religious and community groups, schools and individuals can all use Census data to help with their planning or just to get a better understanding of their community. “The Census is the only truly national snapshot of Australia, shedding some light on who we are, and where and how we live,” she added. Data from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing will be available on the ABS website from 11.30am on 21 June 2012. Visit |