Media release –
New South Wales
One week to go until Census night2 August 2011 | NSW/100There is only seven days to go until the 2011 Census which will mark 100 years of national Census taking in Australia. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) will conduct the Census of Population and Housing on Tuesday 9 August to capture an accurate snapshot of Australia and our characteristics. ACT Census head Stephen Collett says since last Friday, 360 Census Collectors have been pounding the pavements and knocking on doors across Canberra to deliver Census forms to every home, apartment block and hospital. “Don’t worry if you haven’t received your Census form yet. Forms will be delivered up until Sunday 7 August,” Mr Collett says. Everyone in Australia on Census night has two options to complete their Census form - online using the eCensus or using the traditional paper form. Mr Collett says your local Census Collector will provide you with all the information you need to be able to participate in the Census. "I'm completing the eCensus online this year and we expect at least 30 per cent of the population will choose the eCensus option. “The eCensus is a fast, easy and secure alternative to the traditional paper form and it is protected by the strongest encryption technology available. "Another advantage of using the eCensus is your Collector won’t have to return to your home to collect your form," Mr Collett adds. For more information visit or call 1300 338 776 |