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Media releases –

Your moment to check your letter box - Census Instruction Letters arriving

1 August 2016 | ACT/10
What could be Australia’s biggest online event is in full swing, as delivery of 8 million 2016 Census Instruction Letter from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) continue arriving at households around the country.

ABS seeking up to 500 Data Processing Officers for Canberra Office

3 June 2016 | ACT/09
Are you interested in joining the powerhouse of Australia’s largest logistical exercise? The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is seeking up to 500 people to assist with data processing in its Canberra based Data Operations Centre.

ABS seeking up to 370 Census Field Officers to make a difference in the ACT

2 May 2016 | ACT/08
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today begins a territory-wide search for up to 370 enthusiastic people committed to making a difference in their community

Up to 35 Census Area Supervisors needed across the ACT region

02 February 2016 | ACT/07
Are you a good communicator, care about your community, and have strong project and people skills? If you answered yes, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is keen to hear from you.

New data from the 2011 Census reveals the most advantaged and disadvantaged areas in the Australian Capital Territory

28 March 2013 | ACT/06
New figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today have provided a new perspective on the wealth of statistical information collected in the 2011 Census of Population and Housing.

New 2011 Census data reveals more about the Australian Capital Territory

30 October 2012 | ACT/05
New data from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing announced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today has added to the snapshot of the Australian Capital Territory revealed by the release of initial Census results in June.

2011 Census tells the story of the ACT’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population

21 June 2012 | ACT/04
A comprehensive snapshot of the Australian Capital Territory’s (ACT) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities was revealed today as the Australian Bureau ...

2011 Census data shows a snapshot of the Australian Capital Territory

21 June 2012 | ACT/03
The changing face of the Australian Capital Territory was revealed today as the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the first results ...

A reward for your Census

18 June 2012 | ACT/02
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is thanking Australia for participating in the 2011 Census of Population and Housing ahead of this Thursday’s release ...

A snapshot of the ACT – Census data to be released

12 June 2012 | ACT/01
What makes the Australian Capital Territory unique? On 21 June the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) will release the first results of the 2011 Census ...

Media resources

Media releases

2011 media fact sheets

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For the latest information and statistics visit the ABS Website.