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Media release –
New South Wales

There's still time to apply to be a Census Area Supervisor

23 February 2016 | NSW/144

If you haven’t yet applied to become a Census Area Supervisor there’s still time, but applications close soon.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is looking for 754 enthusiastic community minded people across the state to become Area Supervisors for the 2016 Census of Housing and Population on 9 August.

New South Wales Census Director, Liz Bolzan said there’s still the opportunity for people across the state to be on the frontlines, compiling information vital to the future of the nation.

“We particularly need applicants from the Botany, Eastern Suburbs, Hornsby, Hurstville, North Sydney, Northern Beaches, Strathfield, Sutherland, Sydney CBD and Western Sydney areas.

“It’s an opportunity to make an important contribution to your community and play a pivotal role in the success of the Census,” said Ms Bolzan.

“Area Supervisors help to count everyone in Australia on Census night by collecting information from close to 10 million dwellings and approximately 24 million people.

“Gaining accurate information from the nation provides quality data to support the allocation of funding and planning decisions across the state.”

Ms Bolzan said these critical Area Supervisor roles provided flexible temporary employment.

“Recruitment for these roles is open. Contracts start in late April and run through to the end of September this year.

“Area Supervisors are needed to recruit, train, lead and supervise a team of up to 12 Field Officers who will visit homes during the Census.

“They will need to be comfortable using technology and have a home based computer to access online training and manage team workloads. They will earn up to $35 per hour and work flexible hours for up to five months.”

The Area Supervisor applicants must be Australian citizens or have the legal right to work in Australia. Applicants must also hold a valid driver’s licence.

To view the applicant information kits and to apply online, visit

Applications close on 28 February 2016.

For further information on the 2016 Census, visit

Key 2016 Census dates:

1 February 2016 Area Supervisor recruitment begins
2 May 2016 Field officer recruitment begins
Late July to early Aug 2016Instruction letters and forms will be delivered
9 August 2016Census night
Mid Aug to late Sept 2016Field visits
First half of 2017The first results from the 2016 Census released

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