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2016 Census products

The Census provides a comprehensive snapshot of Australia’s people, their housing, and where they live. It offers information for small geographic areas and for small population groups, as well as for states, territories and the country as a whole.

The ABS will release results from the 2016 Census in 2017, by way of:
  • Analytical articles – these will present commentary and statistical analysis using 2016 Census data;
  • QuickStats – summary information about the people, families and dwellings in an area, and comparisons to state and national data. At the state and national level, key differences between 2011 and 2016 Census data are highlighted;
  • Community Profiles – pre-built tables that provide a comprehensive statistical picture of an area, covering most topics from the Census form;
  • TableBuilder – allows users to build basic or more complex tables for different geographic areas, ranging from a single suburb up to the whole of Australia;
  • DataPacks – designed for experienced Census data users who have their own database or analysis systems, DataPacks contain data on people, families and dwellings for geographic areas ranging from a single Statistical Area Level 1 to the whole of Australia.

Further information about Census products and the release schedule can be found in Information Paper: Census of Population and Housing -- Products and Services, 2016 (cat. no. 2011.0.55.001).

As part of ensuring a high level of comparability between 2011 and 2016 Censuses information, 2016 data will again be released using the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS), and use topics included in the past two Censuses.

The 2016 Census Dictionary (cat. no. 2901.0) is a comprehensive reference guide for Census data users. It describes the full range of standard data items and the classifications used in coding responses to Census questions. It also contains a glossary with definitions of Census terms and concepts. The Dictionary is an essential guide for those who want to run or request customised Census data.

2016 Census products

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