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11 The AATSIHS is the primary source of information on the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. The AATSIHS is made up of three components:
12 For detailed information on the content included in each component of the AATSIHS, see The Structure of the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey: First results, Australia, 2012–13 (cat. no. 4727.0.55.001). 13 Long-term health conditions data collected in the NATSISS are intended to complement data collected in the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS). Prevalence estimates of long-term health conditions should be sourced from the NATSIHS. Data relating to long-term health conditions (including mental health conditions) have been collected in the 2014–15 NATSISS in order to provide information on the characteristics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a long-term condition, rather than prevalence estimates. 14 While both the NATSIHS and NATSISS collected information about alcohol consumption, the reference period used to determine average alcohol consumption (long-term or lifetime risk) differed between the two surveys. In the 2012–13 NATSIHS, average alcohol consumption was determined based on the amount of alcohol consumed in the three most recent drinking days in the last week. In the 2014–15 NATSISS, average alcohol consumption was determined based on the amount of alcohol consumed on a usual drinking day. 15 Both surveys collected information on the amount of alcohol consumed, on the day the most alcohol was consumed in the last two weeks (short-term or single occasion risk). Detailed information on the collection of alcohol data will be included in the NATSISS Users Guide, planned for release in May. 16 Detailed information on the 2012–13 AATSIHS, including sample design, a list of data items and the survey questionnaire, is available from the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey: Users' Guide, 2012–13 (cat. no. 4727.0.55.002). Comparison to the 2014 General Social Survey 17 The 2014–15 NATSISS contains selected data on non-Indigenous persons from the 2014 General Social Survey (GSS) to enable comparisons to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. 18 Where appropriate, data has been age standardised in order to remove the effect of the differing age structures between the non-Indigenous and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations. For this publication the direct age standardisation method was used. The standard population used was the total estimated resident population of Australia as at 30 June 2001. For further information on age standardisation, see the Technical Note. 19 In this publication, comparisons with the non-Indigenous population using the GSS include the following:
20 Understanding the extent to which data from the 2014–15 NATSISS and the 2014 GSS can be compared is essential to interpreting apparent differences in the data. There are differences in the sample design and coverage, survey methodology, content, definitions, and classifications, all of which may impact on comparability. 21 The 2014–15 NATSISS collected information from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of all ages, while the 2014 GSS collected information on all people aged 15 years and over. Comparisons made in this publication relate to persons aged 15 years and over. 22 The scope of the 2014–15 NATSISS included people in discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and persons in Very Remote areas of Australia. However, the 2014 GSS excluded people from discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, as well as people living in Very Remote areas of Australia. 23 Detailed information on the 2014 GSS, including sample design, a list of data items and the survey questionnaire, is available from General Social Survey: User Guide, Australia, 2014 (cat. no. 4159.0.55.002) and General Social Survey, Summary Results, Australia, 2014 (cat. no. 4159.0). 24 The forthcoming publication of Microdata: National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey, 2014–15 (cat. no. 4720.0.55.002) will include a Tablebuilder product containing non-Indigenous data from the 2014 GSS. Data items will only be included on the Tablebuilder product where reasonable comparisons between the NATSISS and GSS are possible. The forthcoming Tablebuilder data item list will serve as a guide for reasonable comparisons. Age standardisation will not be available through Tablebuilder and in some cases, age group comparisons will be the most appropriate method of comparing the non-Indigenous and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations. Comparison to the 2014–15 National Health Survey 25 This publication contains selected data on non-Indigenous persons from the 2014–15 National Health Survey (NHS), in order to make comparisons with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population across the same time frame. 26 Where appropriate, data has been age standardised in order to remove the effect of the differing age structures between the non-Indigenous and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations. 27 In this publication, comparisons with the non-Indigenous population using the 2014–15 NHS include the following:
28 The NHS is the primary source of information on the health of all Australians. This survey contains detailed questions for health topics such as alcohol consumption, disability and long-term health conditions. In cases other than those listed in paragraph 27, non-Indigenous comparisons are more appropriate with the 2014 General Social Survey (GSS), which contains question modules which are more similar to the 2014–15 NATSISS. 29 While both the 2014–15 NATSISS and 2014–15 NHS collected information on people of all ages, in the summary text and data cubes, comparisons are limited to persons aged 15 and over. 30 Understanding the extent to which data from the 2014–15 NATSISS and the 2014–15 NHS can be compared is essential to interpreting apparent differences in the data. The selected data items in the 2014–15 NATSISS appear similar to those in the 2014–15 NHS, but there are differences in the sample design and coverage, survey methodology and content, definitions, and classifications, all of which may impact on comparability. 31 The scope of the 2014–15 NHS excluded people in Very Remote areas of Australia and discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities, both of which were in scope for the 2014–15 NATSISS. 32 Detailed information on the 2014–15 NHS, including sample design, a list of data items and the survey questionnaire, is available from National Health Survey: First Results, 2014–15 (cat. no. 4364.0.55.001). Comparison to the 2014 Survey of Education and Work 33 This publication contains selected data on non-Indigenous persons from the 2014 Survey of Education and Work (SEW), in order to make comparisons with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population across a similar time frame. 34 In this publication, comparisons with the non-Indigenous population using the 2014 SEW include the following:
35 The SEW provides information for a range of key indicators relating to the educational participation and attainment of persons aged 15–74 years, along with data on their transition between education and work. This survey contains detailed questions for topics such as participation in current and previous study; type of educational institution attended; highest year of school completed; level and field of highest non-school qualification; characteristics of people's transition between education and work; and selected characteristics of apprentices and trainees. 36 The 2014–15 NATSISS collected information from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of all ages, while the 2014 SEW collected information on all people aged 15–74 years. Comparisons made in this publication relate to persons aged 15–64 years. 37 Understanding the extent to which data from the 2014–15 NATSISS and the 2014 SEW can be compared is essential to interpreting apparent differences in the data. The selected data items in the 2014–15 NATSISS appear similar to those in the 2014 SEW, but there are differences in the sample design and coverage, survey methodology and content, definitions, and classifications, all of which may impact on comparability. 38 The scope of the 2014 SEW excluded people in discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities, which were in scope for the 2014–15 NATSISS. 39 Detailed information on the 2014 SEW, including sample design, a list of data items and the survey questionnaire, is available from Education and Work, Australia, May 2014 (cat. no. 6227.0). Comparison to the 2013–14 Survey of Income and Housing 40 This publication contains selected data on non-Indigenous households from the 2013–14 Survey of Income and Housing (SIH), in order to make comparisons with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households across a similar time frame. 41 In this publication, comparisons with the non-Indigenous population using the 2013–14 SIH relate to the number and proportion of households with selected characteristics, and include the following:
42 The SIH is a key source of information on the social and economic welfare of all Australians. This survey contains detailed questions for topics such as sources of income, amounts received, household net worth and housing. 43 Understanding the extent to which data from the 2014–15 NATSISS and the 2013–14 SIH can be compared is essential to interpreting apparent differences in the data. The selected data items in the 2014–15 NATSISS appear similar to those in the 2013–14 SIH, but there are differences in the sample design and coverage, survey methodology and content, definitions, and classifications, all of which may impact on comparability. 44 The scope of the 2013–14 SIH excluded households in Very Remote areas of Australia, which were in scope for the 2014–15 NATSISS. 45 Detailed information on the 2013–14 SIH, including sample design, a list of data items and the survey questionnaire, is available from Survey of Income and Housing, User Guide, Australia, 2013–14 (cat. no. 6553.0). Comparison to other sources 46 Comparisons with other sources should be made with care, as differences in the scope, sample design and coverage, survey methodology, content, definitions, and classifications all may impact on comparability of data. 47 The 2014–15 NATSISS questionnaire and full data item list are available via the Downloads tab. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.